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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Training Special Education Teachers to Conduct Two Common Types of Preference Assessments |
作者 |
鍾儀潔、鳳華 |
中文摘要 |
本研究目的為評鑑四名特殊教育教師接受兩種刺激偏好評量訓練後,在使用兩種偏好\r評量之成效。訓練方式包含角色扮演、回饋教學。研究參與者為四名南部地區一所特教學\r校之特殊教育教師。四名特殊教育教師被隨機分派到不同訓練組別。第一組先接受配對刺\r激偏好評量的訓練,再進行多刺激呈現不替補選取物的偏好評量訓練;另一組則先接受多\r刺激呈現不替補選取物評量的教導,再進行配對刺激偏好評量訓練。每一位受訓教師會各\r自對該校兩名特教學生使用習得的刺激偏好評量。研究設計採用多元素探測實驗設計。結\r果顯示四名特教教師都能有效執行兩種偏好評量,正確率達85%-100%。社會效度亦顯示四名教師對此訓練的高度滿意,討論及建議則提供相關單位參考。 |
英文摘要 |
This study evaluated the effects of role play and feedback on training four Taiwanese special education teachers to conduct two commonly used preference assessments. The four teachers were randomly assigned to two groups. One group was first taught to conduct paired-stimulus (PS) preference assessment, while the other group was first taught to conduct multiple-stimulus-without-replacement (MSWO) preference assessment. Then they would teach to conduct the other preference assessment. Each trainee performed learned skilled with two students. One is for training effect, and the other student is for generalization check. The results suggested that all trainees correctly implemented the procedures with 85-100% accuracy across subjects and assessments. Social validity data also showed favor results to support the effect of this study. |
起訖頁 |
093-112 |
關鍵詞 |
教師訓練、刺激偏好評量、類化、teacher training、stimulus preference assessment、generalization |
刊名 |
特殊教育學報 |
期數 |
201412 (40期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
比較採用實境訓練與角色扮演訓練的性侵害防治課程對智能障礙高職女學生自我保護能力提升成效之研究 |