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Money, Desire, and the Morals of the Time -- Fang Hung-ching on Changes of Social Customs in the Jiajing and Wanli Eras
作者 邱仲麟
本文以方弘靜(1517-1611)的兩種著作做為討論對象,考察他對16世紀至17 世紀初中國社會變遷的看法。做為一位出生於徽州的正統儒學家,他觀察到這近百年之間,政治風氣日漸敗壞,官場上賄賂與貪污越來越嚴重;生員考試則因為金錢介入,導致貧窮者難以考上。文人也漸漸庸俗化,在達官貴人之間遊走,從中取得錢財等利益。而為了賺取潤筆費,對墓誌銘、傳記的主人翁,文字可以刻意美化。書籍出版的市場,也因文人急於成名而大為蓬勃,甚至出現購買他人文稿頂替的現象。在習俗方面,生日慶壽越來越奢侈,婚嫁也越來越看重金額,喪禮也越來越舖張,迎神賽會則必請來戲班助興。在物質享受方面,飲宴毫無節制,衣著講究高級材質,出門坐轎成為流行,骨董、字畫等都成為炒作的商品。他一身力行簡樸,且尊重禮教,故在社會變遷的過程中,極為懷念風俗淳厚的「黃金歲月」──14、15 世紀,而對於徽州受到外來奢靡風氣的「污染」,也一直憂心忡忡,更寄望官員或鄉紳能以身作則,但他的期望似乎是落空了。
The Peace Accord of Xiongzhou of AD975, which represented the first reconciliation between Song Dynasty and Liao Dynasty, did normalize the relationship between Song and Liao for a very short period of time. The Peace Accord, therefore, was significant in reconciling the persisting conflicts during the period of Five Dynasties (AD907-979) between Liao and regimes of the Central Plain of China. However, the Peace Accord of Xiongzhou eventually did not resolve the armed conflicts between Liao and the Kingdom of Northern Han, on the one hand, and Song on the other. The prolong war between Song and Northern Han did not cease and Northern Han at last surrendered to Song in AD979; Song and Liao immediately went into a full-scale war against each other for years. From the viewpoint of systemic analysis, this article argues that discrepancies and conflicts of the perceptions existed as to the geographic scope of the Peace Accord of Xiongzhou, the status quo, and the expectations about other actors' actions. Liao obviously preferred the status quo with Song, expected Northern Han as a stable buffer state. Liao further held that the Peace Accord should include Northern Han, and both Song and Han should not attack each other from then on. Northern Han also preferred the status quo in which Northern Han could exist with the support from Liao. But Northern Han did not take part in the Peace Accord governing or resolving the relationship between Song and herself. Northern Han believed that Song would keep waging war for Northern Han's annihilation. Although willing to have peace with Liao in AD974, Song did not prefer the buffer system in which Northern Han's existence could be assured. For Song, conquering Northern Han was one of the major objectives for the national unity. These inconsistencies of perceptions made the actors within the system, especially Liao and Song as the system dominants, unable or unwilling to take the opportunity brought by the Peace Accord of Xiongzhou to stabilize the status quo jointly and to make peace between them.
起訖頁 45-116
關鍵詞 方弘靜徽州社會變遷貪瀆奢侈Fang Hung-chingHuizhousocial changescorruptionextravagance
刊名 東吳歷史學報  
期數 201212 (28期)
出版單位 東吳歷史系
該期刊-上一篇 金代監察御史的選任制度及其運作--以官員組成為中心的考察
該期刊-下一篇 嘉慶皇帝的國家治理及其自我論述




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