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Smuggle to Japan Till the Last Breath-Tong Fan Cases in Late Ming Period (1567-1644)
作者 范金民
Late Ming (1567-1644) witnessed larger number of Chinese merchants smuggling to Japan, which was called 'tong fan', than did any other earlier period. Comparing with previous smuggling trades, although items of goods were similar, the geographical boundaries showed the trend of moving northward, and the social composition of smugglers also changed correspondingly. In trials of tong fan cases, local governments had different opinions in determining the nature of crimes. Generally speaking, the government's failure of ending the Japanese smuggling trade showed that in the whole Jiangnan costal area very parts of the overseas trade, whether concerning the government or commoners, existed problems. The most fundamental cause was the rich profit of smuggling. The relevant regulations were not always reasonable, and they objectively restrained the commodity productions of local society, increased the commercial costs of popular maritime power, reduced the trade competence of Chinese merchants in East Asian, and also weakened the costal defense ability of China.
起訖頁 75-112
關鍵詞 明代後期日本通番案件Late MingJapantong fancases
刊名 東吳歷史學報  
期數 200712 (18期)
出版單位 東吳歷史系
該期刊-上一篇 傳統中國的歷史敘事遺產:以陳建《皇明通紀》為中心的討論
該期刊-下一篇 從《活計檔》看雍正皇帝的宮廷生活




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