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Temporality and Meaning: The Discursive Space of Chronic Illness, Trauma, and Narrative
作者 林耀盛 (Yaw-Sheng Lin)
Diagnosis of chronic illness or experience of a major disaster can shatter ones’ life beliefs, will to survive, and identity. The goal of this study is to understand the life worlds of disaster victims and people with chronic illness, and to explore the possibility of psychosocial healing in posttraumatic periods. After encountering chronic illness or disaster, subjects perceived temporality in terms of incomprehensible past, altered present, and expected future. Subjects found that life continued to be meaningful and made psychological growth by understanding their post disaster lives in terms of the constructs survivorhood vs. victimhood, appreciate others vs. blame others, and life world reconstruction vs. life world disruption. Time itself cannot heal post-traumatic experiences. Only when sufferers recognize and transform their deep interpretations of their life disruption events through the medium of memory testimony and imagination displacement, can they reconnect their life worlds and rebuild their identity. A hypothetical model of posttraumatic psychosocial dynamic processes is proposed in light of the discussion in the psychological and sociological literature and from the analyses of the narrative data.
起訖頁 221-270
關鍵詞 時間記憶敘說創傷意義慢性病temporalitymemorynarrativetraumameaningchronic illness
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200106 (15期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 癥狀與家庭互動的轉變歷程--結構策略家族治療的觀點
該期刊-下一篇 心學--中國本我心理學的開展




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