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Change in Harmony in Psychological Counseling
作者 張包意琴陳麗雲
在現代香港,來自中國傳統儒家的權威集體主義(authoritarian collectivism)的思想,包括強調犧牲小我完成大我、尊卑有序、克己、以和為貴等思想仍具影響力,規範著不少家庭成員之間的關係。這些思想,與我們長期在社會工作中學習西方重視平等、突出個人自由與責任、促進自我滿足、建立信心、面對矛盾的輔導理論,尤其是我們較為熟識的Virginia Satir(薩提爾,1993,1994;Satir et al.,1991)輔導理論,有著顯著不同。西方輔導理論不會因迴避衝突而壓抑變革,這一關鍵與我們中國人處事作風大相逕庭,導致當事人對這種理論與對運用這種理論的輔導員產生懷疑與抗拒。中國人重視「和諧」,而「和諧」的觀念在《易經》佔有重要位置。譬如:「天地以和順而為命,萬物以和順而為性」;「調和為吉,不調和為凶」都是來自《易經》的思想。我們最感興趣的是《易經》談「變革」的部分。易者變也,整部《易經》,就是談變革之道。不單如此,幾千年來受到集體主義薰陶的中國人,在注釋《易經》當中找到在和諧中進行變革的方法,並加以發揮。過去一年,我們嘗試在輔導工作中,運用《易經》一些概念,協助深受中國傳統影響的當事人進行變革,結果令人鼓舞。本文以個案為基礎,結合臨床實踐和理論反省,把《易經》一些概念與Satir 模式作比較,希望有助於心理輔導本土化的課題,並引發更多討論。
In modern Hong Kong, the influence of traditional Chinese culture remains strong. Authoritarian collectivism continues to pervade many local families, where people are constrained to sacrifice their small self for the big self, respect harmony and the hierarchical order, and practice filial piety and self-restraint. This pattern of behavior differs markedly from the egalitarian individualist cultures of the West, where people are socialized to value individual freedom, equality, differences and self-actualization, as well as direct expression of self and confidence to face conflicts, and where the therapeutic models we learned emerged. For most of these therapeutic models originating from the West, change occupies a very important position. If there is need to choose between change, which means facing conflict, and harmony, which means keeping the status quo, the choice is often change. From our experience, uncritical application of this strategy with local clients leads to suspicion, resistance, and finally rejection of the counseling process as well as the counselor. Harmony is a focal concern in Chinese community living. It occupies a central position in the I Ching, which captures the essence of Chinese philosophical thought. For the authors of the I Ching, “harmony reflects the nature of heaven and earth”; “harmony is good, disharmony is evil.” The fundamental concept of the I Ching is change. “I” means change. The I Ching deals with the Tao (the Way) of change. For more than three thousand years, Chinese have lived within a culture dominated by hierarchical collectivist values, and many among them looked and continue to look to the I Ching for guidance to change without breaking harmony. Over the past year, we have employed certain concepts of the I Ching in facilitating local clients in the process of change, especially those clients who are deeply influenced by traditional Chinese culture. Results have been encouraging. This paper is an attempt to integrate some of these experiences in clinical practice with theoretical explorations, and to compare certain basic concepts of the I Ching with those of the Satir model, in the hope that it will stimulate further discussion on the development of indigenous counseling.
起訖頁 199-235
關鍵詞 Satir 模式易經華人心理輔導Satir ModelI ChingIndigenous counseling
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200012 (14期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 從心理學的面向探討後現代生命倫理的實踐
該期刊-下一篇 從古籍史料特性論史料徵引問題--以「儒家的心之模型」為例




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