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Nursing Care of a Patient With Opportunistic Infections Caused by Acquired Immune Defi ciency Syndrome and Resulting Psychological Impact
作者 陳美妏張夙娟張靜雯
本篇探討一位男性八年前在捐血時意外檢驗出愛滋病毒陽性反應,個案採忽略方式因應此疾病,未有規律的服藥,導致愛滋病併發伺機性感染肺囊蟲肺炎入院之護理經驗。筆者於2013 年5 月02 日至2013 年5 月27 日,照護期間運用Gordon 十一項功能性健康型態做為評估工具,確立個案主要健康問題為氣體交換障礙、口腔黏膜改變、焦慮、高危險性活動,護理過程中運用面談、觀察、傾聽、溝通技巧,建立治療性的護病關係,鼓勵個案表達內心感受,並引導其坦然面對疾病,按時服用愛滋病藥物治療,成功解決個案的健康問題,希望藉此照護經驗能有助於臨床護理人員之參考。
The following explains a nursing experience with a patient with opportunistic infections resulting from acquired immune deficiency syndrome. This study investigated a man who was diagnosed with human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) positive when blood donation. Because this patient did not medically control the virus, the patient was admitted to the hospital because of an opportunistic infection of pneumocystis jerovecii pneumonia. The author cared for the patient from May 2, 2013 to May 27, 2013. During the admission, the author used Gordon's 11 functional health assessment tools to evaluate the patient and found that the patient had the following health issues: gas exchange impairment, oral mucosal changes, anxiety, and participation in high risk sexual activity. During the nursing process, the author used an interview and observation to establish a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship and encouraged the patient to express his feelings. The patient was then persuaded to accept his diagnosis and use HIV medications. This was a successful nursing experience that can be a helpful reference for clinical nurses.
起訖頁 185-192
關鍵詞 愛滋病伺機性感染心理衝擊acquired immune defi ciency syndromeopportunistic infectionpsychological impact
刊名 榮總護理  
期數 201506 (32:2期)
出版單位 榮總護理雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 照顧一位乳癌根除術後再次復發患者接受化學治療之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 提升執行介入性心導管治療病人術後照護之完整性




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