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An Exploration of Wind-Resisting Strategy on Traditional Yami Settlements
作者 林希娟林憲德 (Hsien-Te Lin)周榮華
蘭嶼位於熱帶型氣候區,高溫高濕、多風多雨為其氣候特徵。蘭嶼年平均風速每秒約9 公尺,夏季颱風及冬季季風時之氣候更為嚴酷,因此蘭嶼雅美族發展出以調適強風氣候為主的民居型式。雅美族的傳統聚落,以適應捕魚文化及「海陸軸」空間觀為其選址的一般原則。此外,雅美人更以「避風選址」為適應強風氣候的防風對策。蘭嶼沿岸雅美族目前的六個聚落,因其位置及周邊地形的差異,地面風場各不相同,因而影響當地民居的配置模式。本文嘗試以水桌實驗方法模擬各聚落東北季風的地面風場,以及配合實地觀察訪談,分析雅美族傳統聚落「避風選址」的防風智慧,及住屋配置模式與地面風場的調適方式。
Lanyu, the home of Yami, is a tropical island off the south-eastern coast of Taiwan. It has a climate that features high temperatures, high humidity, heavy rainfalls and strong seasonal winds with a yearly average wind speed of approximately 7.3 m/s. The wind situation gets worse in summer seasons due to typhoons. To reduce the effect of strong winds, the Yami built their houses to adapt to the local wind conditions along the coastal area; namely, with the longitudinal direction of the settlement site pointing toward the sea. This study explores the wind-resisting strategy of the Yami people, based on the local wind directions caused by the difference in locations and topography of the various settlements through both experiments and field observations. The results show that for the purpose of resisting strong winds, the Yami selected their settlement sites by avoiding the strong winds. In addition, they also arranged their dwelling units into certain patterns in response to the local wind with their vernacular wisdom.
起訖頁 109-124
關鍵詞 雅美族東北季風水桌實驗避風選址地面風場YamiSeasonal windWater-table experimentWind-resisting strategyLocal wind
刊名 建築學報  
期數 201009 (73期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 運用資料採礦與3S技術建立坡地社區風險評估模式
該期刊-下一篇 以生命週期成本探討臺灣既有建築物環境效率模型--室內健康因子為例




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