中文摘要 |
我們於民國80年及94年的醫療糾紛實證研究,發現醫療糾紛案件循訴訟途徑解決爭議的比例顯著增加,而民事訴訟的增加比例尤其明顯。為求進一步瞭解台灣近年來醫療訴訟的實際發展情形,本研究針對91年至96年間醫療糾紛訴訟案件,由司法院法學資料檢索系統資料庫中,分別搜尋了10,349件及13,394件含有關鍵字之刑事及民事判決書,再逐案確認該判決是否屬於醫療糾紛的案件,分別確認了453件及664件刑事及民事判決。研究結果顯示各級法院民事案件近六年來快速增長,在北部、中部、南部都觀察到相同的現象,即使以每百位醫師、每十萬人口數計算,仍然可以觀察到各地民事訴訟增加的幅度均達2倍以上;刑事訴訟案件則未見明顯變化。在訴訟結果部分,地方法院之病患勝訴率以刑事公訴案件40.7%為最高,其次為民事訴訟的17.7%,刑事自訴案件的病患勝訴率僅為7.1%為最低;高等法院的病方勝訴率仍以刑事公訴案件的41.1%居冠,其次為民事訴訟的28.8%,刑事自訴案件的病患勝訴率僅10.0%。法院判決賠償案件共計119 件,其中以金額超過一百萬元至五百萬元以下之賠償案件數為最多,約佔全部案件之45.4%,賠償數額中位數約為202萬。我們希望藉由本研究可協助醫界及法界對於醫療糾紛的實際狀態有更深入的了解,並吸引更多的學者參與醫療糾紛的實證研究,進而共謀建立一套醫病雙贏的制度。 |
英文摘要 |
In our previous studies in 1991 and 2005, more medical malpractice cases were brought into trials and more cases were judged in civil courts in 2005. To further investigate the trends of medical malpractice in Taiwan, we analyzed trial cases between 2002 and 2007 by searching database of law and regulations retrieving system of the Judicial Yuan. We found 10,349 and 13,394 potential criminal and civil trial cases, respectively. Among these cases, 453 and 664 cases were confirmed to be criminal and civil cases, respectively. In the past six years, civil cases increased significantly up to 2 times in all areas after adjusting physician numbers and population numbers. Criminal cases did not change significantly. The chances to win a lawsuit for patients in district courts were 40.7%, 17.7% and 7.1% for public prosecution, civil litigation and private prosecution cases, respectively. The chances to win a lawsuit for patients in appeal courts were 41.1%, 28.8% and 10.0% for public prosecution, civil litigation and private prosecution cases, respectively. In the 119 cases patients won, most compensation was between NTD 1,000,000 and 5,000,000 (45.4%), with median around NTD 2,020,000. We wish the results will be helpful for future studies in medical malpractice in the future. |