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Preliminary Application of Epilepsy Knowledge and Attitude Scales on the Parents of Epileptic Children
作者 陳秀蓉 (Hsiu-Jung, Chen)黃俐綾黃玉苹 (Yu-Ping Huang)楊惠娟
癲癇是台灣地區學齡期兒童常見的慢性病之一,本研究為首次在中部地區以癲癇兒童家長為對象,進行其對癲癇的認知與態度之研究,期望藉由本研究能瞭解癲癇兒童家長的疾病知識與態度之現況,以作為衛政單位擬定相關政策或臨床照護措施之參考。本研究以結構式問卷收集資料。在通過收案醫院的研究計劃倫理審查(IRB)後,於中部地區兩家醫院小兒神經內科門診收案,以診斷為癲癇的6~15 歲、智力發展正常兒童之家長、可以國語或台語接受訪談者為對象,解釋研究目的後獲得簽署參與研究同意書,並收集問卷資料。研究工具乃參考文獻、經過專家效度檢定、預測及修訂後擬定而成,共包括兒童及父母親個人屬性資料、癲癇知識及癲癇態度等量表。所收集資料經編碼後輸入電腦,以SPSS 12.0 版處理。總共有110 位家長完成所有問卷,知識量表與態度量表均獲得可接受的信度。研究結果發現,專科以上教育程度的母親癲癇知識比國中教育的母親好,有聽過癲癇團體的家長其癲癇知識也優於沒聽過的家長。態度量表中,家長對於兒童日後婚姻生育議題、與社會烙印等有較負向的態度。母親的疾病態度較父親正向,及兒童年齡愈小家長的疾病態度較正向。經統計分析,答錯率最高的是有關發作的處理、及兒童的活動限制相關題目。本研究並提出建議臨床醫護人員持續關注家長在發作處理與兒童活動限制等相關知識,並藉由衛政相關機構加強大眾認識癲癇,增進對癲癇的熟悉度,減少癲癇兒童家長的社會烙印壓力,以確保病童獲得良好的照護與生活品質。
This quantitative study aims to explore the relationships between demographic data of parents with epileptic children, knowledge of epilepsy and attitude of epilepsy. The researcher recruited the parents with epileptic children from two pediatric clinics under the hospitals in Taichung. Several scales were adopted, including the demographic data of children and their parents, epileptic knowledge scale, epileptic attitude scale. All data were encoded into computer and statistically analyzed with the SPSS for Windows 12.0 packaged software. There were 110 parents enrolled in this study. Parents with college degree or hearing of epileptic supportive groups presented better knowledge on epilepsy. In attitude scale, parents showed negation toward both marriage and fertility issues and social stigma. Mothers held more positive attitude than fathers, while parents with younger children possess more positive attitude toward epilepsy. This study revealed that there is still a need to enhance parents who suffered from social stigma about seizure management and limitation of activity of epileptic children. In order to relieve their pain and improve the care quality of their children, public health education needs to elevate people’s knowledge and attitude toward epilepsy.
起訖頁 547-557
關鍵詞 癲癇兒童家長知識態度Children with epilepsyParentsKnowledgeAttitude
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 200911 (13:6期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-下一篇 門診時段及醫師特質對就診流程品質之影響




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