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A Comparison of the Chinese and Japanese Deposit within Buddhist Statues: With the Seiryōji Shaka and the Saidaiji Shaka Statues as Examples
作者 巫佩蓉
The Seiryōji Shaka (Shakyamuni) statue, made in 985, was commissioned by a famous Japanese monk Chōnen and brought to Japan the year after it was made. Because it is a rare case of extant dated Northern Sung dynasty Buddhist statue, it is significant in both art history and Buddhist history. The Saidaiji Shaka, was a direct copy of the Seiryōji image. Made in 1249, the Saidaiji Shaka was commissioned by the Kamakura-period monk Eison, and it was carved in the site of Seiryōji. The two images are not only very similar in their appearances, they also share the feature that both contain a great amount of deposits. However, the deposited items are quite different. The central item of the Seiryōji deposits is a set of human organs made of silk. To deposit human organs, made of fabric or metal, into Buddhist statues are not uncommon in China and Korea. However, this practice was not in the main stream in Japan. Among the Japanese statues made before or in the tenth century, we do not find any example holding as many items of deposits as the Seiryōji Shaka did. Only after the eleventh century, that is, the later part of the Heian period, it became popular to put deposits into Buddhist statues in Japan. However, it is not until the Kamakura period that we find examples comparable to the Seiryōji Shaka. The Kamakura-period Japanese deposits had three features. First, the five-ring pagoda was often a central item. Second, certain combination was often found in deposits. Third, the preparation of deposits was taken by a great amount of believers. All in all, although the Saidaiji Shaka was a direct copy of the Seiryōji Shaka, in terms of the deposits, the former represents a Japanese tradition, rather than following the Chinese example.
起訖頁 71-99
關鍵詞 納入品清.寺西大寺五臟叡尊Buddhist DepositSeiryojiSaidaijiChonenEson
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201106 (2期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 半跏思惟像與彌勒信仰--日本半跏思惟像溯源
該期刊-下一篇 有關雲岡石窟中所見本生、因緣故事之相關問題--以儒童本生、阿育王施土與羅睺羅因緣為主




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