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The Nursing Experience of Initiating Insulin Treatment in the Type 2 Diabetes Patient
作者 張美燕高玉音 (Yu-Yin Kao)陳怡伶 (Yi-Lin Chen)曹維媛張淑惠 (Shu-hui Chang)
This paper aimed to share experiences of caring a case with type 2 diabetes. The patient has taken long-term oral hypoglycemic agent, but failed to effectively control her blood sugar. Her physician recommended shifting medications to insulin injections, which in turn aroused her anxiety and resistance. Between December 5th 2012 and June 28th 2013, the author collected data via observation, physical assessment, conversations, listening and reviewing medical records. We performed nursing assessments using Roy Adaptation Model on the patient’s physical condition, self-concept, role-function and inter-dependence. We concluded that her health problems were anxiety, altered nutritional state (increased needs in catabolic state), and incapability in health maintenance. We supported the patient and her families and provided ongoing care with attentive listening and empathy. We also offered caring expertise, encouraged experience-sharing in groups from different patients, provided nutrition education and skills about self-care. With these measures, we have ensured that the patient has accepted insulin injection, her anxiety ameliorated and self-care skills enhanced. Eventually, the patient successfully adapted to her life with insulin injections. In this article, we wish to provide our nursing experience, which serves as a reference for those who care similar cases. (Tzu Chi Nursing Journal, 2015; 14:3, 62-72)
起訖頁 62-72
關鍵詞 初次胰島素注射羅氏適應第二型糖尿病initial insulin injectionRoy’s adaptationtype 2 diabetes mellitus
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201506 (14:3期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
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