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A Study of Dietary Self-efficacy and Self-management Behaviors in Elderlies with Heart Failure
作者 葉湘芬邵榮華 (Jung-Hua Shao)
本研究為探討心臟衰竭老人飲食自我效能與自我管理行為。透過相關性設計以立意取樣選取醫學中心門診153位心臟衰竭老人,採結構性問卷調查法進行資料收集,研究結果發現:(1) 老人心臟衰竭相關症狀平均得分為5.5分,顯示其受心臟衰竭症狀困擾較少;(2) 老人心臟衰竭飲食控制自我效能平均得分為40.2分,顯示飲食控制自我效能屬尚可;(3) 老人心臟衰竭自我管理行為平均得分為29.7分,屬中下程度;(4) 心臟衰竭老人越能遵守低鹽飲食限制其自我效能越好;(5) 自我管理行為能力得分與其教育程度、運動狀況及遵守低鹽飲食的限制在統計上達顯著負相關,表示教育程度越高、有運動習慣及能遵守低鹽飲食的限制的個案其自我管理行為能力較高。此結果可應用於醫護團隊提昇心臟衰竭病患自我照護之成效。
The purpose of this study was to explore self- management behaviors and dietary selfefficacy in older people with heart failure (HF). A descriptive design was employed, and data were obtained via purposive sampling at outpatient cardiac clinics in a medical centre. Structured questionnaire method was employed, and a total of 153 valid questionnaires were collected. Study results included: (1)the average score of related symptoms in elderlies with heart failures was 5.5, indicating that the adverse effects of heart failure symptoms were reduced; (2) The average score of self-efficacy of dietary control in elderlies with heart failures was 40.2, indicating that the result was fair; (3) The average score of selfmanagement behavior in elderlies with heart failures 29.7, below average; (4) The compliance of elderlies with heart failures with low salt diet led to higher self-efficacy; (5) the score of self-management behavior was inversely correlated with level of education, sports conditions and the compliance with restrictions on low-salt diet and was statistically significant, indicating that cases with higher level of education, with exercise habits and complied with restrictions of low-salt diet were more capable in self-management behavior. Study results could be apploied by a medical team in the improvement of self-care efficacy in patients with heart failures.
起訖頁 96-107
關鍵詞 心臟衰竭老人飲食自我效能自我管理行為Elderlies with heart failureDietary self-efficacySelf-management behaviors
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201008 (9:4期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 住院病人皮膚撕裂傷盛行率與相關危險因素之探討
該期刊-下一篇 縮短直腸腹腔鏡手術前準備時間之專案




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