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Improving Accuracy when in Neutropenia Patients Carry Out Selfprotection Against Infection
作者 王琡雯邱惠英 (Hui-Ying Chiu)侯麗芬黃麗鳳范慧萍邱燕甘 (Yen-Gan Chiou)
The purpose of this project was to enhance the accuracy rate of neutropenia patients who were carrying out self-protection against infection. Before the approach was adopted, the accuracy rate for self-care among such patients was 68.9%, and the rate for patient’s recognition of infection was 68.8%. These figures indicate that both accuracy and knowledge, in terms of self-protection prevention against infection, required improvement. On further analysis, it was found that the main problems were a defective quality assessment tool, inconsistent information about nursing techniques and a lack of health education in the form of written information. Therefore, programs aimed at correcting the aforementioned shortcomings were initiated, including patient educational training, the development of a standard nursing procedure to prevent infection and the creation of a “Self-Care Daily Checklist” for neutropenia patients. After these changes were introduced, the accuracy rate for self-care increased from 68.9% to 91% and the rate of correct recognition by patients of infection was raised from 68.8% to 94.6%. These results show that the introduced changes allowed the goals of this project to be fulfilled.
起訖頁 119-128
關鍵詞 嗜中性白血球低下症預防感染NeutropeniaSelf-protectionInfection
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201004 (9:2期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 提昇腦中風病人出院返診追蹤率改善專案




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