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Nursing Experience While Assisting a Patient Faced with Their First Peritoneal Dialysis Involving the Use of Empowerment to Promote Self-care
作者 廖珮雯葉湘芬陳宜鈞
This study describes the use of empowerment to help a patient to accept their first self-care peritoneal dialysis. From July 27(superscript th), 2007 to September 28(superscript th), 2007, while attending the patient, the Orem theory was used with this patient to promote self-care. The questions that needed to be assessed included controlling the volume of body fluid in order to safeguard the patient's health, the patient's increased anxiety about the process and the patient's worries about carrying out the process in a safe manner. In order to address these problems, empowerment was used to train the patient in how to measure accurately, use the machine correctly and listen attentively to any instructions. This built up a sense of trust with the patient and help to identify any problem areas. Safety procedures were discussed with the patient including changes in behavior that would improve their health. The patient was able to recognize that they were suffering from chronic kidney failure to some extent and began to accept the fact that dialysis was necessary. This reduced their feelings of anxiety as well as their fear of the dialysis technology. As a result, the patient began to carry out the peritoneal dialysis successfully and this was associated with feeling more confident and independent. This, in turn, allowed the patient to resume their life in a new context.
起訖頁 111-120
關鍵詞 賦權腹膜透析自我照顧EmpowermentPeritoneal dialysisSelf-care
刊名 志為護理  
期數 201002 (9:1期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 協助一位外籍母親照顧腸病毒住院幼兒之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 以Orem理論照護一位因急性脊髓炎導致癱瘓個案之護理經驗




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