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Perioperative Nursing Experience while Taking Care of a Herniated Interverebral Disc Patient
作者 歐陽秀旻劉美娟謝育芳
本文是描寫照護一位三十一歲椎間盤突出之護理人員手術全期的護理經驗。護理期間為94年1月17日至94年1月22日,筆者藉由觀察、持續性會談及手術全期照護模式為基礎,應用歐倫理論評估個案之健康問題。發現個案手術前期所面臨的問題有:疼痛、焦慮;手術中期:潛在危險性手術期間擺位之傷害;手術後期:身體活動功能障礙、自我照顧能力缺失等五項問題。在照護過程中,筆者針對個案的問題擬訂護理計劃,協助其安全渡過手術期,且順利進入復健階段,並促進其日後自我照顧的能力。(志為護理,2008; 7:3, 111-119.)
This report concerns the perioperative nursing experience while taking care of a 31-yearold herniated interverebral disc patient. The nursing period was from January 17th to 22nd January, 2005. The author used the perioperative nursing routine as a foundation to observe the patient. After having a series of conversations with the patient, the patient’s problems in terms of Orem’s theory were established. There were fi ve major problems. In the preoperative phase, the patient was in pain and anxious about the operation. During the intraoperative phase, the position of the injury threatened the patient’s life. Finally, in the postoperative phase, the patient lost her ability to moving her body freely and to take care of herself. During the process of caring, the author designed nursing programs based on the various requirements detailed above in order to facilitate the patient coming through the operation safely. Furthermore, nursing was aimed at improving the functioning of the damaged body so that the patient was able to successfully proceed to recovery and develop self care ability. (Tzu Chi Nursing Journal, 2008; 7:3, 111-119.)
起訖頁 111-119
關鍵詞 椎間盤突出手術全期護理護理經驗Herniated interverebral discPerioperative nursingNursing experience
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200806 (7:3期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 一位腦梗塞病患住院中二次中風後的護理過程
該期刊-下一篇 一位中年女性胰臟癌患者面對死亡威脅的護理經驗




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