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A Project to Improve Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Violence Intervention
作者 李綉惠李佩蓉 (Pei-Jung Lee)明勇
The purpose of this project was to enhance nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards violence intervention and identify approaches to reducing the occurrence of violence. In 2003, from June to December, the occurrence rate of violence in our ward was 1.5%; however, from January to June in 2004, it had increased to 2.3%. Our cause analysis showed the following findings: (1) patients were influenced by their disease and their requests were hard to satisfy; (2) the knowledge and attitude of some nurses towards violence intervention were insufficient and (3) there was a lack of systematic in-service education in this area. The project involved the purchase of additional training material, the implementation of in-service education, the conducting of simulated encounters, the sharing of experiences and the completion of the project package. The overall performance of nurses in terms of violence intervention was improved 57 points to 89 points and their attitude also improved from 72 points to 84 points. In 2004, from July to December, the occurrence of violence fell below 0.5%. This project effectively promoted nurses’knowledge and attitudes towards violence intervention and lowered the occurrence rate for violence. Hence, in order to optimize the quality of patient care, it is clear that a similar approach should be included in the mandatory education of all new qualified nurses.
起訖頁 86-95
關鍵詞 暴力處置知識態度Violence interventionKnowledgeAttitude
刊名 志為護理  
期數 200704 (6:2期)
出版單位 財團法人佛教慈濟綜合醫院
該期刊-上一篇 護理人員人際衝突處理型態之研究
該期刊-下一篇 一位抗精神病藥物惡性症候群患者的護理經驗




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