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The Narratology of Space on“Flying Paranormal Power” Story in Chinese Translation of Buddhist Scriptures
作者 丁敏
佛教大小乘經典中有關「神足飛行」的故事,多是作為「神足飛行」理論的例證,「神足飛行」的空間敘事,可有千變萬化的樣貌,在宗教傳播上相當具有神奇的魅力。「神足飛行」中的身能飛行虛空和「此沒彼出」的空間轉換,都是身體在虛空中快速的移動展演,在《敘事學:敘事理論導論》(Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative)中對「空間」的界定,來進行關於「神足飛行」的空間敘事分析。將佛經中「此沒彼出」的定型式套語,視為「結構空間」的神足飛行敘事;此外,歸納出「請佛應供」、「飛越世界」、「佛土遊行」三個主題的「神足飛行」,視為「主題化空間」的敘事。分別針對經文故事文本,進行「神足飛行」故事的空間敘事特色分析
The “flying paranormal power” story found in Mahayana and Theravada scriptures are the best evidence for spiritual bases theory. The description of these powers varies from the ability to fly, to appear and disappear mysteriously and to disappear from the presence and to reappear in miles away. It depicts how spiritual power masters one’s physical performance in all spaces. Such vivid depiction took a very important part in religious preaching. This study is based on the“Space” theory by a Dutch scholar, Mieke Bal in Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. The power to appear and disappear mysteriously and to disappear from the presence and to reappear in miles away is a fix setting that often described in the Buddhist scripture as “space structure.” Furthermore, the setting could be categorized into three, “Buddha Offering”, “Cross-region” and“Transcending to the Buddha Land” are specified as narration of“theme space.” It analyzed the Buddhist scriptures that have flying paranormal power story settings and specially focus on the narration of “theme space.”
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 神足飛行場景結構空間主題化空間此沒彼出Flying paranormal powersSetting space structureTheme spaceTo appear and disappear mysteriously
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200612 (12期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 翻譯/權力/差異:試論《般若波羅蜜多心經》的跨語際實踐




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