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Literary Review and Prospect of the Buddhist Philosophical Articles Published during 1996-2005:Mainly Based on the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies and Philosophy East and West
作者 蔡耀明
本文以《國際佛教研究學會期刊》(The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (JIABS))和《東西哲學》(Philosophy East and West)為主要的調查與分析的對象,就1996-2005 年所刊登的佛教哲學論文,首先,整理出三個受到較多研究或討論的課題領域,分別為「佛教對實體說的批判與非實體說的哲學建構」、「佛教的心靈哲學」、「佛教的倫理學與社會哲學」;其次,則研判出三個具有基礎性、延續性、和前瞻性的課題領域,分別為「強化佛教哲學的學術研究基礎」、「延續過去十年來較熱門的課題領域」、「佛教的生命觀照與生命實踐的哲學探究」。文章結構的安排,本文首先交代佛教哲學所在的學術位置,接著指陳其受到研究多寡的情形。為了避免使用的材料過於單薄,在相關背景方面,佛教哲學以英文出版的專書,也扼要指出其趨勢,並且論析其牽涉的面向或要項。至於就選定的二份期刊進行檢視,則區分成「佛教哲學的建構」與「比較論述下的佛教哲學」,然後針對這二大形態,一方面,審度其學術專業的程度,另一方面,特別就熱門議題的擬定和前瞻議題的構想,展開關聯的省思和評論。藉由檢視這二份期刊,一方面,留意過去十年來所謂熱門的議題,另一方面,思考在未來可能有哪些舉足輕重的議題,這將不僅是佛教哲學何去何從的問題,同時也是更清楚看出我們目前到底在哪裡的問題。
This paper examines and analyzes articles in Buddhist philosophy published in the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies and Philosophy East and West during 1996-2005. These articles can roughly be classified into three major topics: “Buddhist critique of substantialism and construction of non-substantialistic doctrine,”“Buddhist philosophy of mind,” and “Buddhist ethics and social philosophy.” Furthermore, I select three topics essential, ongoing, and prospective in the study of Buddhist philosophy, which are“strengthening the academic groundwork of Buddhist Philosophy,”“carrying on popular research topics from the past ten years,” and“philosophical inquiry into Buddhist speculation on life and life praxis.”At the beginning of this paper, I delineate the current academic status of Buddhist philosophy, and point out how often it has been studied. In order to expand the targeted materials, books published in English are also used to reveal the tendency of research, as well as to explore the involved aspects and items.After examining the two selected journals, I group related articles into two major types: “construction of Buddhist philosophy” and“Buddhist philosophy under comparative discourse”. From within these two types, I examine the ranks of academic expertise, and reflect on the idea of presenting popular issues and prospective issues. By examining these two journals, we can, one the one hand, observe what the popular issues are about, and on the other hand, speculate on what could be significant issues in the near future. This is about not just where Buddhist philosophy is coming from or going to, but also, for us to gain more understanding of where we are right now.
起訖頁 277-292
關鍵詞 佛教哲學自我實體說語詞實體說緣起空性不二中道實相心靈哲學生命倫理生命實踐環境倫理Buddhist philosophySubstantialistic doctrine of selfSubstantialistic doctrine of wordsDependent-arisingEmptinessNondual middle pathRealityPhilosophy of mindEthics of lifeLife praxisEnvironmental ethics
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200607 (11期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 他空說的系譜與內含--論印順法師對唯識空性說的理解




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