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Interpretation of Chuang Tzu with the“Consciousness-only Theory”byYang Jen-Shan and Chang Tai-Yen--RealMind School’s Interpretation of Consciousness Only”
作者 邱敏捷
At the end of the Ching Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, China was in a difficult situation, and all kinds of slogans for saving the nation rang out continuously. Reformation and innovation were thus become trends of the time. “Saving the nation by Buddhism”was one of the slogans. Occasionally, the philosophy of “consciousness only”attracted scholars’attention for its precise theory. Yang Jen-Shan and Chang Tai-Yen, who both studied the consciousness-only theory, interpreted Chuang Tzu from the view point of “consciousness only”in their works Nan Hua Jing Fa Yin and Chi Wu Lun Shih respectively. The former used “the terms of consciousness only theory” to explain Chuang Tzu, while the later interpreted Chuang Tzu by using the concepts of“four Nikayas” (four types of investigations of dharmas), ”alaya consciousness” (store consciousness), “three nature”, etc. The“comparison” methods they used were not necessarily able to discover the original intent of Chuang Tzu, but their interpretation of Chuang Tzu with the consciousness-only theory”did have a significant new meaning in the intellectual history of “interpretation of Chuang Tzu with Buddhism”.
起訖頁 201-243
關鍵詞 楊仁山章太炎唯識莊子Yan Jen-shanChang Tai-yenConsciousness onlyChuang Tzu
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200607 (11期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 東坡詩的《圓覺》意象與思想
該期刊-下一篇 他空說的系譜與內含--論印順法師對唯識空性說的理解




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