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An Analysis of “nirabhilapya-svabhavata”of the Tattvartha Chapter and its Criticism of Sarvasti-vadin’s View of Language
作者 趙東明 (Tung-Ming Chao)
This article will address two issues : 1. From the perspective of Yuqielun ji’s records, analyze the philosophy of language of the concept“nirabhilapya-svabhavata (the inexpressible essential nature)”in the Tattvartha Chapter of Bodhisattvabhumi of Yogacarabhumi-wastra. 2. Expound the Tattvartha Chapter’s criticism ofSarvasti-vadin’s view of language from the three mistakes stated in Yuqielun ji’s records. My views on the above two issues are: (1) The “nirabhilapya-svabhavata”is simply the “vastu-matra(the given thing itself, ultimate referent)”, which belongs to the domain of knowledge of the supreme essential nature of all dharmas [just like the “paramartha-satya(ultimate truth)”]; and it complements the concept of “prajbapti-vada-svabhava(the essential nature conceptualized by verbal designation)”[just like the “sajvrti-satya(conventional truth)”]. (2) In Yuqielun ji the “vastu-matra” of “nirabhilapya-svabhavata” means pure“paratantra-svabhava(the ‘dependent on others to arise’self-nature)”and“parinispanna-svabhava(the ‘perfect accomplished real’ self-nature)”.The “parikalpita-svabhava(the ‘everywhere schematizing what is grasped’self-nature)” and foul “paratantra-svabhava” belong to the domain of “prajbapti-vada-svabhava”,which is the domain of verbal designations. (3) The establishment of the “vastu-matra” of “nirabhilapya-svabhavata” in the Tattvartha Chapter is to clarify the concept “wunyata(emptiness)”and to establish the “su-grhita wunyata(emptiness correctly apprehended)”[or the “Middle Path”] that distances itself from the errors “samaropa-abhinivewa(affirming error)”and“apavada-abhinivewa(denigrating error)”. (4) The error“samaropa-abhinivewa(affirming error/the attachment of affirming too much)”refers to Sarvasti-vadin’s mistaken view of language. They don’t realize that only the “vastu-matra”of “nirabhilapya-svabhavata” is authentic reality. Instead, they mistakenly view the “referent(dharmas [such as “form,” etc.] conceptualized by our mind)”to have its own “svabhava(self-nature)” or “substance”. In fact, both the “name(names [such as “form,” etc.] of the dharmas) ”and the “referent”belong to the domain of verbal designations of “prajbapti-vada-svabhava”. (5) According to Yuqielun ji’s records, Sarvasti-vadin’s view of language has three mistakes :‘① If we assign many different referring names for a thing, then the same one thing will have many different substances. ② Things do not have substances before we assign referring names. ③ We have cognition of things before we assign referring names to them.’ (6) It must be noted that, according to Yuqielun ji’s records, the Tattvartha Chapter establishes the philosophy of language that‘all dharmas are “prajbapti-matram(only a designation)”’[the domain of verbal designations of “prajbapti-vada-svabhava”] and that‘verbal designations refer to the authentic reality(“vastu-matra”)’[the domain of the reality “nirabhilapya-svabhavata”, and free from verbal conceptual construction]. And the “vastu-matra”of “nirabhilapya-svabhavata” is what really exists and is used to explain the concept “wunyata(emptiness)”. This concept “vastu-matra(the given thing itself)” is different from the Yogacara Buddhism’s famous concept“vijbapti-matra(consciousness only)”, and this explanation clarifies the Madhyamika Buddhism’s concept “wunyata”, the so-called “su-grhita wunyata(emptiness correctly apprehended)”.
起訖頁 41-79
關鍵詞 假說自性離言自性能指色等法名所指色等想法終極所指唯事增益執善取空語言哲學The essential nature conceptualized by verbal designationThe inexpressible essential natureNameReferentUltimate referentAffirming errorThe attachment of affirming too muchEmptiness correctly apprehendedPhilosphy of language
刊名 佛學研究中心學報  
期數 200507 (10期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 月稱的「緣起」義
該期刊-下一篇 無垢友尊者及其所造《頓入無分別修習義》研究




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