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Indigenization, Westernization, and Globalization: An Agenda for the Development of Indigenous Clinical Psychology
作者 林耀盛 (Yaw-Sheng Lin)
「本土化」、「西方化」及「全球化」互為概念形構的「三化共振」心理學,是一種既保留存有本體論,又超越本體論之流變預設的本土心理學。心理學本土化的積極主張,早已超越啟蒙式的反殖民主義和捍衛民族情緒「實然」地歷史救濟意涵,而是更積極地介入「現在性」的日常生活,卻又能溯源地轉化文化傳統縱深,並「應然」地指向「未來性」動態心理學的存有論。因此,心理學本土化運動,是超越地域性、全球化和華人社群的「空間性」區隔心理實體論,而是「自然」地朝向自身意義的解構,進而朝向「時間性」,即「歷史--文化--社會」交錯互補的本土化心理學。 若然,本土化心理學生成的可能性,就不是必然對位於「西方的本土心理學」,也不必成為「跨文化心理學」的註腳,而是一種世界心理學文藝復興作品的當代展示。華人本土化心理學的耕耘是一種過程,若能在與異質他者文化的攻錯後,進而檢視高同質性的華人文化的交互辯證,勢必會產生更具當代性意義的文化社會現象,形成本土心理學的介入議題。 後現代心理學的主張,可以提供鬆動靜態存有論的策略,但最終仍須回歸生命道路的修養與歷練。本文指出「本土即本途」,本土(臨床)心理學的未來之途,是一種本然的生命路途。
Indigenization, westernization, and globalization are three interrelated resonating conceptualizations to discuss the legalizations of indigenous psychologies. Combined with them, they are meant the metaphysical epistemology of the discipline is implied double meanings that retain entity/stable ontology and fluidity/becoming domain. Indigenized psychology movements are not only a response to the Enlightenment and anti-colonial rhetorical acts, but also involve the ordinary world as it relates to historical tradition. It is situated in the everydayness, not confined in the academic reflection. They are future-oriented movements that transcend geographical segmentation phenomena, not a local event, but are naturally inclined dynamics towards the temporal dimension: that is a historical-cultural-social hybrid psychology. A literature review and narrative analysis are used to explore the rich meanings of the relationships among indigenous psychology, globalization, and westernization. A new agenda for the development of indigenous psychology is proposed. The results of the analysis showed that indigenous psychology is not the antithesis of western psychology, nor is it a footnote to cross-cultural psychology. The crossing boundary between east and west can produce new elements that manifest significant socio-cultural phenomena. Postmodern psychology disciplines are proposed as a strategy to deconstruct reality and highlight self-cultivation techniques. The innovation and establishment of indigenous psychology are an essential process when engaged with the discipline. Development of an indigenous clinical psychology is an important goal for researchers in Taiwan.
起訖頁 145-188
關鍵詞 本土化西方化全球化globalizationindigenizationwesternization
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201106 (35期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 企業的創新與量產:儒教五倫與基督教五倫的影響




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