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Juan-chiuan and Shang-yan:The Components of Authoritarian Leadership
作者 周婉茹周麗芳鄭伯壎任金剛
Authoritarian leadership, even though is criticized and undesirable in Western societies because of its unquestioned power inequality, it is still prevalent in contemporary organizations. In order to figure out this contradictory phenomenon, the purpose of this study is to explore Fajia's ideology of 'Shih, Fa, Shu', the concept of authoritarian leadership includes control over subordinates themselves and subordinates' task components, and to clarify their different effects on psychological empowerment, and to reexamine the effects of 'benevolent authoritarianism.' In a sample of 788 employees from 36 Chinese companies in Taiwan, we found that (1) juan-chiuan leadership had negative effects on the psychological empowerment dimensions of meaning, self-determination, and impact, whereas shang-yan leadership had positive effects on the psychological empowerment dimensions of meaning, competence, and impact. (2) There were significant interaction effects between benevolence and authoritarianism on meaning, self-determination, and impact when leaders demonstrated high shang-yan leadership. Specifically, the positive effects of shang-yan leadership were strengthened and the negative effects of juan-chiuan leadership were weakened when they accompanied benevolent leadership. Implications of the results for research and practice are discussed finally.
起訖頁 223-284
關鍵詞 心理賦能仁慈領導尚嚴領導恩威並濟專權領導authoritarianismbenevolencepsychological empowerment
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201012 (34期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 父母教養聯盟、教養行為與學齡前兒童適應之探討
該期刊-下一篇 錢緒山心學的生命教育:死亡經驗對其思想的反省與啟發




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