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Pathways toward Voicing: Ren (Forbearance) and Self-transformation in the Context of Vertical Relations
作者 黃囇莉 (Li-Li Huang)鄭琬蓉黃光國 (Kwang-Kuo Hwang)
Ren (forbearance) has been considered a Chinese national character or a strategy of coping with interpersonal conflicts in existing literature. The approach of regarding Ren as a strategy of coping specifies not only its constituents, but also how it operates in various contexts. Adhering to this approach, Ren was conceptualized as a psychological process with multiple mechanisms, which was defined by various experiences occurring at different stages toward the same social object. Meanwhile, special attention was given on how people transform in the process of Ren. Considering Chinese Relationalism, the vertical relation was viewed as the most important interpersonal context for the operation of Ren. A qualitative study was conducted to explore various experiences of Ren in vertical relations. Eighteen participants (7 males and 11 females) were interviewed for approximately 2-3 hours each to elicit their experiences of self-transformation in the process of Ren. Analysis of their narratives identified five stages of selftransformation, and were labeled as 'pre-forbearance', 'self-repression', 'self-compartmentalization', 'self-exceeding', and 'flexible self' in a sequential order. The vicissitudes of relationship between individual and authority were discussed by means of analyzing the dynamics between 'Xiao-wo' (the individual self) and 'Da-wo' (the authority figure): as the strength of an individual's self increases, it may counterbalance the power of authority figure, and the individual may become capable of being autonomous. Thus, we concluded that the self may transform in the process of Ren.
起訖頁 3-76
關鍵詞 自主性自我和諧韌性衝突化解壓抑權威authorityautonomyconflictenduranceharmonyrelationsrepressionresilienceself
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200804 (30期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-下一篇 華人婚姻品質的維繫:衝突與忍讓的中介效果




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