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Financial Accounting and Reporting Research in Transition Economies
作者 Schipper, Katherine (Schipper, Katherine)
This paper discusses several research design issues and other issues relevant to empirical-archival financial accounting research in transition economies. Several environmental features of transition economies affect both the identification of research questions and the development of research designs to address those questions; these environmental features include the extent to which the stock market is informationally efficient and the attributes of financial reporting standards. I also discuss how elements of the implementation of financial reporting standards, including the expertise and professionalism of preparers and auditors and securities laws and enforcement, affect the design of financial accounting research in transition economies.
起訖頁 1-14
關鍵詞 International accountingStandard setting
刊名 中華會計學刊  
期數 200010 (1期)
出版單位 中華會計教育學會
該期刊-下一篇 CPA Attested Tax Returns and Tax Evasion




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