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The History of Clinical Psychology in Taiwan
作者 柯永河
The present paper narrates the course of development of Clinical Psychology in Taiwan, between 1953~2002, and proposes a perspective of the author for this academic field. In 1953, the first seed of Taiwan clinical psychology was planted by Dr. Tsung-yi Lin, at the Department of Psychiatry, the Hospital of Medical School of National Taiwan University. Dr. Lin was a Psychiatrist, trained at the Boston Psychopathic Hospital in U.S.A., and was then the chairman of the Department. That first seed which Dr. Lin sowed was made at the Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University. Fifty years later, in 2002, there were nine Universities also set up the training programs of clinical psychology, and the number scholars of this field has amounted to twenty-four; besides, there were many more scholars in related fields, such as Counseling and Guidance in other universities. According to the 2000 year report of National Health Institute of R.O.C., the numbers of personnel in the position of clinical psychology of hospitals were 294 already; though, the total numbers of personnel listed in the division of Clinical Psychology of the Chinese Psychology Association had swelled to 664, including 101 ”student-members”. At that time several scholars were interested in the question of total number of professional clinical psychologists needed for Taiwan society, then; the later statistics revealed it to be around 2,300. The figure clearly shows that far many more clinical psychologists need to be trained to satisfy such a great demands of Taiwan society. On the day of October, 31 th, 2001, The Clinical Psychologists Acts was finally passed at the Legislative Yuan and was signed by the President of Republic of China, after more than ten years’ continuous efforts by concerned people, including scholars as well as legislators. The very Acts stated that to be a qualified clinical psychologist, one should first be a graduate of clinical psychology training program of Psychology Institute of University officially registered at the Ministry of Education, R.O.C.. The establishment of the Acts was enthusiastically hailed by the people in Taiwan, who were deeply concerned about the mental health problems of the whole nation. The importance and value of the Acts has vividly been illustrated by the following sprouting developments related to the Acts; firstly many more universities started to set up the department of clinical, or counseling psychology for master degree training; secondly, many more vacancies were opened for clinical psychology division in the institute of psychology; thirdly, the National Association for professional clinical psychologists was organized, and several branch associations in many cities as well as private psychological clinics have succeeding started to offer professional services for the public; finally and most importantly, the Center of Clinical Psychology Services also was set up in the National University General Hospital to provide psychological services for its own patients and clients, independently of as well as cooperatively with other departments of the same hospital. Most important thing to be noted in the academic field of psychology is that the Taiwan Association of Clinical Psychology was established in the following year of official announcement of the Acts of clinical psychologists, and the Archives of Clinical Psychology started to appear in the market of psychological publications market, soon thereafter. The author of the present paper would finally like to propose several visionary views about the future of Taiwan clinical psychology; the most important one amongst them is to explore if the concept of habit can become the key concept to create a grand theory for Taiwan clinical psychology.
起訖頁 29-58
關鍵詞 台灣臨床心理學之發展過程台灣臨床心理師法中華民國精神衛生法臨床心理學刊習慣概念history of Taiwanese clinical psychologythe act of Taiwan clinical psychologistsThe Archives of Taiwan Clinical Psychologyconcept of habits
刊名 應用心理研究  
期數 200812 (40期)
出版單位 臺灣應用心理學會
該期刊-上一篇 臨床心理學的回顧與前瞻:領域發展
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣臨床心理學與美國臨床心理學之比較




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