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Potential Factors of Flight Crew Fatigue
作者 汪曼穎何立己
疲勞是在飛行人為因素研究中一個特別容易被忽略的因子,然其性質複雜而後果也嚴重。造成飛行疲勞的主要因素是航空業維持24小時運作的需求,不論長程(long-haul)、(夜間)貨運或短程(short-haul)飛行,飛行員都需要配合航空業的這種屬性來執行飛行工作,因此時區變動、夜間工作、工作時間變動等因子不斷地挑戰飛行員的生理與心理極限,並影響飛行表現與疲勞,構成安全的潛在顧慮(Dinges,Graeber,Rosekind,Samel & Wegmann,1996)。本文希望透過文獻的整理與回顧,針對晝夜節律與睡眠、飛行工作特性、排班、個人因應行為等,介紹飛行疲勞的性質與可能對策,並設法針對本國航空操作環境中的一些特殊性,討論其對飛行疲勞的可能影響、對國內具有意義的研究議題、以及值得政府航空管理單位與航空公司重新評估的工作時間政策與排班措施。
Fatigue is often overlooked by aviation human factors studies, despite its complexities and devastating consequences. Aircrew fatigue results mainly from the twenty-four-hour operation demands of the aviation industry, to which pilots are requested to adjust; no matter the flight is long-haul, (night) cargo, or short-haul. As a result, the variation in time zone, night work, and the change in working hours constantly challenge the physiological and psychological limits of the aircrews. These conditions not only affect flight performance and fatigue but also pose a potential threat to flight safety (Dinges, Graeber, Rosekind, Samel & Wegmann, 1996). Through reviews of literature on circadian rhythm and sleep, characteristics of the flying task, duty roster and individual coping behavior, this article provides an introduction to the nature of aircrew fatigue and its countermeasures. Furthermore, selected aspects of domestic aviation operation are discussed in terms of their possible roles in aircrew fatigue. Finally, the authors also introduce promising research results as well as suggestions to service hour policy and scheduling practice that can be valuable references for the administration and airlines.
起訖頁 225-251
關鍵詞 飛行疲勞晝夜節律睡眠疲勞對策aircrew fatiguecircadian rhythmsleepfatigue countermeasure
刊名 應用心理研究  
期數 200606 (30期)
出版單位 臺灣應用心理學會
該期刊-上一篇 專業化=證照=專業自主?




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