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To Escape, To Reflect, and To Return: A College Counselor’s Reflection-on-action
作者 溫錦真 (Chin-Chen Wen)
This paper was based upon the personal narrative of the author and her reflection upon her dual role work experiences—as a practitioner at the College Student Counseling Center and as a faculty member in charge with teaching and researching loads. After serving at the Student Counseling Center for five years, I quitted my job. But questions lingered in my mind. “What exactly happens?” “Why am I escaping from my job?” Through this reflective study, I hoped that I can renew my strength for action, while at the same time established a new direction for college counseling work. The methodology applied in this paper was a combination of personal narrative and reflection-on-action of action research. The findings include: 1. It is difficult to balance the duties as a faculty and as a counseling practitioner, especially when the universities gradually add more emphasis upon academic research. 2. The ambiguous administrative status of the Student Counseling Center, the instability of the staff, and the ethical problems ensued from dealing with emergent cases all make it difficult for the Center to function in a way it should. 3. A new framework that transforms the Student Counseling Center, which provides the remedial help to one which offers primary preventive programs, is the directive for the future development. College counseling practitioners should not only be licensed psychologist under the Psychologist Act, but they should also formulate a professional association in order to improve their skills and capacity as professionals. Finally, practitioners, also as researchers, are expected to resolve their own practice difficulties and produce the professional knowledge.
起訖頁 125-154
關鍵詞 大學校院輔導工作實務工作者行動研究法對行動反映敘說一級預防輔導工作心理師法college counselingpractitioneraction researchreflection-on-actionnarrativeprimary preventive programPsychologist Act
刊名 應用心理研究  
期數 200606 (30期)
出版單位 臺灣應用心理學會
該期刊-上一篇 什麼是「專業」?--大學輔導工作者在心理師法衝擊下的省思與行動
該期刊-下一篇 從中小學輔導工作的挫敗看專業證照助人工作者駐校模式的救濟:走一條尋回專業的路




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