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The Concepts and Current Legislation Relating to Privacy and Patients’ Privacy
作者 黃惠滿高家常孫凡軻侯佩儀
Privacy is based on individual self-awareness, and is a reflection to rights of personality in the civilization and social progression. “The right to privacy” has been defined as “a right subject to not being interrupted by others”. The medical behavior is a part of social activities. Personal medical information is more private than any other personal information, in general. Patients need “privacy”. The healthcare providers should not divulge patients’ medical information to others without his/her consent; even though these patients were dead. The purpose of this article is to understand the concepts and current legislation relating to privacy and patients’ privacy, in Taiwan. How to protect patient’s private information is an important issue in the security management of medical information for healthcare providers. This article suggests that understanding for patient’s right to privacy is necessary, so that the protection of patients’ privacy can be maintained in law basis, and can be implemented in routine medical practice.
起訖頁 314-322
關鍵詞 病人隱私權隱私權隱私權保護法律規範patient’s right of privacyright to privacythe protection of patients’ privacylegislation
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201009 (21:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 問題病人
該期刊-下一篇 肝臟移植手術後護理指導之改善專案




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