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The Effect of Education Intervention on Nurses’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior of Restrains in the Intensive Care Units
作者 錢美容陳幼珍郭容美李雅文 (Ya-Wen Lee)
本研究旨在探討成人加護病房介入在職教育之措施,對護理人員執行約束之知識、態度及行為的影響。研究對象為中部某醫學中心六個成人加護病房之167位護理人員。研究工具採自擬結構式問卷及病人約束行為登記表,資料蒐集期間自民國89年12月20日至91年2月12日,資料共取得介入措施前、介入措施後第一週及第10個月共三次,統計方法採GEE(Generalized Estimating Equation)分析。結果顯示介入措施前後護理人員知識、態度及行為在統計上有顯著的差異;在知識方面,第二次及第三次分別比第一次增加4.2分、3.4分;在態度方面,第二次及第三次分別比第一次增加2.9分、1.4分;在行為方面,第二次及第三次分別比第一次每人平均減少約束0.3次、0.6次;顯示在職教育訓練對約束有正確之認知、正向的態度及行為。研究結果可用來提昇患者在加護單位的照護品質。
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of the education intervention on the nurses’ knowledge, attitude, and behavior of the use of physical restraints in the intensive care units (ICU). One hundred and sixty-seven nurses were recruited from six different adult ICUs a medical center in central Taiwan. Data were collected by a semi-structured questionnaire and a restrain recording table between December, 2000 and February, 2002. The initial data were collected before the education intervention. The first and the second post-intervention data were collected one week and ten months after the intervention, respectively. Data were analyzed by generalized estimating equation. The results showed that there were significant differences after the intervention in knowledge, attitude, and behavior. In the knowledge section, the first post-intervention test was 4.2 and the second post-intervention test was 3.4 points more than the pre-intervention test. In the attitude section, the first post-intervention test was 2.9 and the second post-intervention test was 1.4 points more than the pre-intervention test. In the of behavior section, the first post-intervention test was 0.3 times and the second post-intervention test was 0.6 times less than the pre-intervention test. The education intervention appeared to be effective and remained effective one year later. This continuous education program is recommended in the ICU to improve the quality of nursing care.
起訖頁 248-257
關鍵詞 在職教育約束認知態度行為continue educationrestrainsknowledgeattitudebehavior
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 200409 (15:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 實施出院準備服務對跌倒後髖部骨折住院老人之成效:自我照顧知識、能力和健康照護滿足程度
該期刊-下一篇 癌症病患家屬照顧者照顧工作之探討




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