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A Study of the Job Satisfaction of Clinical Nurses in a Teaching Hospital
作者 張遠萍許玲女
本研究的目的在瞭解某教學醫院護理人員的工作滿意程度及探討護理人員個人屬性變項及工作相關因素對工作滿意程度之差異性。採普查方式以自填結構式問卷收集資料,資料收集對象為南部某教學醫院之1240名護理人員。研究工具乃參考國內、外與護理人員工作滿意度相關文獻所自設而成的「護理人員工作滿意度調查表」,此工作滿意程度調查表除基本屬性資料外,是以Likert五分量表之結構性問題測量。信度係採用內在一致性之檢測,其Cronbach's alpha為0.90。效度則採建構效度與內容效度進行檢測,在建構效度方面以因素分析萃取因素負荷量大於0.4之47個子題項目而成之五個因素分量表,而各分量表之Cronbach's alpha均在0.84以上;在專家內容效度檢測中,問卷內容之適用性及用詞明確性達86%。資料以百分比、平均數、標準差、變異數分析等統計方式進行資料之分析。研究結果發現,護理人員的工作滿意程度平均為3.32分(滿分為5分),顯示人員的工作滿意程度界於尚可至滿意之間。以工作單位特性為例,健檢中心、居家及轉介服務組人員之工作滿意度較高,而開刀房人員之工作滿意度較低,其次為急診。在五項工作滿意度因素中,以「工作成就」與「工作環境與品質」兩因素得分較高;而「工作伙伴」及「薪資福利」得分較低;在「工作伙伴」的因素當中又以「護理人員是被醫師尊重」之滿意度得分最低。希望能藉由此研究結果所得,提供機構政策制定者及護理管理者瞭解所屬人員之結構與需求,藉以做為改善護理人員工作環境與滿意度參考之依據。此外,從研究結果所得若要提升工作滿意度就應由專業素質之提升著手。因此,護理進階角色(如專科護理師或 個案管理師)之發展與合法化亦是刻不容緩的。
The purpose of this study is to understand the degrees of job satisfaction of nursing staff in a teaching hospital and to investigate differences In nurses' satisfaction with their job as a function of differences in nurses' intrinsic characters. Data were collected by surveying 1240 nurses of a teaching hospital in southern Taiwan with a questionnaire. The questionnaire employed was a survey of job satisfaction of nursing staff designed by the author referencing other publications on similar subjects. The overall reliability of the questionnaire is examined by its consistency with the Cronbach's alpha 0.90. The questionnaires were examined by construct validity and content validity. The construct validity of the questionnaire has been examined by factor analysis to separate to five dimensions with an over 0.84 content reliability for each. The content validity of the questionnaire has been verified by a channel experts, and the suitability and clearness of the questionnaire is 86%. The job satisfaction of nursing staff is evaluated by the Likert's 5-scale standard. Data were analyzed statistically and presented by the descriptive statistics、t-test、one-way ANOVA、and factor analysis. The results of the study are as follow. The average degree of satisfaction is 3.32 out of a 5-point likert's scale, indicating a level of satisfaction between generally satisfied and satisfied. When different care units are considered, nurses in physical examination center、home care center and referring service division are more satisfied with their jobs. On the contrast, nurses in OR are least satisfied, followed by those in ER. Among the five dimensions of satisfaction, 'sense of achievement' and quality and safety of the work place' scored higher, while 'wages and benefits' and 'professional colleagues' scored lower. Within the subdivision of 'respect by professional clinician', the 'respect by physicians' scored the lowest. The results of this Investigation should provide policy makers and administrators with an understanding of the degrees of job satisfaction among their employees, which hopefully will be taken into consideration when making efforts to improve the working environment for their nursing employees. It is also obvious from this study that a prerequisite for increasing nurses' job satisfaction is the improvement of the quality and expertise of nursing professionals. Therefore, the development of advanced nursing role (such as nursing specialist or case manager) and its legalization become a pressing issue that should no longer be delayed.
起訖頁 63-74
關鍵詞 工作滿意度job satisfaction
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 200006 (11:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 建構內科病房執行出院計劃之評估工具
該期刊-下一篇 護理人員在安寧療護中悲傷輔導的角色




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