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A Study on the Laws and Regulations on Cultural Heritage Management
作者 陳詠霖譚術魁
The cultural heritage protection of today has gone beyond the conceptual teaching to the people. It has been moved forward to a battle of protection against development interest or benefits. Cultural heritage can be divided into three types: archaeological ruins, antiques, and monuments. Example of antiques include Jade Cabbage in National Palace Museum and Chinese paintings drawn by famous artists throughout history. As of monuments, the Wanhua Longshan Temple and Beigang Chao-Tien Temple are both well-known examples. However, archaeological ruins such as the Shihsanhang archaeological site in New Taipei City occupying the largest land area but are the vaguest in the cultural heritage concept. Archaeological ruins need to be displayed at its original site as it would be hard to be moved to another place. Furthermore it is the most fragile type in the cultural heritage and subject be to external force due to its nature. As a result, how to develop an on-site display of an archaeological site is a major topic in cultural heritage management. This involves various management and relevant preservation measures. Discussion in this paper has been done by documentary analysis and site observation.
起訖頁 59-70
關鍵詞 遺址文化資產保護法古物古蹟archaeological ruinsCultural Heritage Preservation Actantiqueshistoric monument
刊名 東亞論壇  
期數 201506 (488期)
出版單位 大華科技大學商務與觀光管理學院
該期刊-上一篇 中國稀土霸權下的中歐夥伴關係博奕
該期刊-下一篇 地下經濟與稅基侵蝕之研究




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