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The Obstacles and Cognition of Operating Product for Aged People by the Example of TV Remote Control
作者 林振陽
The research aimed to study the obstacles and cognitions of operating product for aged people by the example of TV remote controls. The empircal experimental methods were useful to test 58 aged persons who distributed over the home for destitute old people, the normal family for spending time at home, and the school for aged people. The methods utilized 6 TV remote control models and the questionnaires of the basic data, the subjective health evaluation, and the operating product typology. According the statistical analysis, we made some conlusions.1. The most samples were 65-69 Years old, illiterate or graduated from primary school. Moreover, the most samples vocational backgrounds were housekeepers, workers, and businessmen.2. The most samples whose custom of operating remote control were right hands, had rery high subjective health evaluation. The operating function patterns of factor responses from high to low were large mark assisting pattern, single position leading pattern, short stripes appearing pattern, stripes & signs peculiar pattern, panel glare disturbing pattern, figure-ground blur pattern, and hidden function position pattern.3. The operating orientation style of factor responses from high to low were frequency style, visual searching operating style, total subjective evaluation style, and direct contact operating style.4. The samples' operating orientation styles can be correlated, predicted, and explained with subjective health evaluations and operating function patterns.5. The samples who accepted direction and learn operating products many times can be guided effectively operating TV remote contral. The above results showed the existent obstacles and the cognitive characteristics to operate product for aged people. Finally, we made some suggestions for the practical uses and the future researches.
起訖頁 247-295
關鍵詞 高齡族群產品電視機認知遙控器操作障礙
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 199312 (3期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 中日小學啟智班美勞科教師對智能不足兒童人物畫的觀點調查研究




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