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The Stability of Cognitive Tempo on Generally Gifted Children
作者 林瑞欽
本研究旨在探究衝動/沈思之認知型式的穩定性於不同難度作業與間隔十八個月的穩定性。本研究為避免智力因素的影響,採用一般資優生為研究樣本,受試是取自彰化市民生國小五年級資優生,計27名(女生9名,男生18名)。以兒童與成人適用的兩種熟識圖形配對測驗(The Matching Familiar Figure Test)為不同難度的認知作業,以瞭解受試者衝動/沈思認知型式的分類變化。本研究發現:1、受試者在熟識圓形配對測驗初次反應時間與錯誤總數的相關係數為-.47至-.82之間。同時發現,女生較男生有較快的反應速度,但在十八個月後,此種差異卻未達顯著水準。2、採用Salkind與Wight(1977)的分類模式,兩人將初次反應時間與總錯誤數化為標準分數,得到個人的衝動性分數與無效率性分數,前者是屬於個人的認知型式,後者則是個人的認知能力,從兩種分數的相關近於零或等於零,顯示兩者是各自獨立的構念,已經本研究中得到支持。3、就分類衝動/沈思認知型式之元素變項而言,不同難度間的反應時間有高度的穩定性(.84),比較是顯示個人認知處理的一貫型式。在此研究中,不同難度闊的衝動性分數相關高達.84至.91。間隔十八個月,由熟識圓形配對測驗重測而得之衝動性之相關未達顯著(r=.07to.16)。4、依不同難度熟識圖形配對測驗的初次反應時間與錯誤總數的中數分類的認知型式具有中度的一致性,在1989年時達59%,但仍呈現其變動性,說明了受試者能主動因應作業難度,調整其認知型式。5、當以美國兒童常模為分類標準時,大部分受試者被分類為沈思與快準型,在1989年是67%,在1991年有89%。由此顯示本研究受試者屬於較高智力;並比較1989年與1991年兩次測試的認知型式分類,發現有41%的受試者認知型式是相同的。總結來說,受試者的衝動/沈思認知型式在不同難度、長期間隔、不同的文化常模為基礎的標準分類,具有相當的穩定度。研究結果建議教師在教學時要慎重地考慮兒童在不同難度作業中與身心發展不同時期中所相對應的認知型式,俾發揮兒童學習的效果。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the stability of cognitive tempo, which was measured by different difficult levels of the Matching Familiar Figures Test for a sample of generally gifted children. In addition, a longitudinal study of interval of 18 months was also used to examine the stability of cognitive tempo. It is to test whether the validity of cognitive tempo can free the contamination of intelligence. Subjects are twenty seven 5th-grade generally gifted children from Changhua county in mid-Taiwan. The findings were as followings: (1) Girls are faster in performance on the MFFT than boys, however, their difference disappeared after eighteen months. The correlations between latency and errors for both versions of MFFT are -.47 to -.82. (2) The correlation between I score (impulsivity) and E score (inefficiency) is zero, strongly supported Salkind and Wright's (1977) model which the I score and E score should be separated. (3) High correlations were found between the impulsivities of the easy and difficult versions of the MFFTs (r=.84 to .91). However, a nonsignificant correlation was found between impulsivities of the MFFT with an interval of 18 months test-retested (r=.07 to .16). (4) Moderate high consistency in children's cognitive tempo have been found about 59% (in 1989); and 67% (1991) of sample were consistent in their cognitive tempos (Include reflective and impulsive) for different difficulties of the MFFT. Also, about 41% subjects were classified as same cognitive tempos across 1989 and 1991, which based on the median of performance of American children's norm. Meanwhile, most subjects were classified as reflectives and fast/accurates, they are about 67% in 1989, and 89% in 1991. In conclusion, the classification of cognitive tempo based on the medians of performance on the MFFT for different task difficulties, a long-term interval, and different cultural norms, were fairly stable. The implication for practical instruction is to remind the teachers to deliberately consider children's cognitive tempo matching with the different difficult tasks.
起訖頁 131-151
關鍵詞 衝動性沈思性認知動律作業難度資賦優異兒童熟識圖形配對測驗認知型式ImpulsivityReflectivityCognitive tempoTask difficultyGifted childrenThe MFFTCognitive style
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 199312 (3期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 聾童的閱讀歷程
該期刊-下一篇 資深啟智教育教師生涯發展之研究




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