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A Pilot Study for the Process of Adaptation among Foreign Nurse Aides at Long-term Care Facility
作者 李蕙瓊賀湘君車慧蓮
The purpose of this research is to explore the process of adaptation of foreign nurse aides at long-term care facility. A purposive sample of five Vietnamese female foreign nurse aides was recruited. It was their first time working in Taiwan. They already had three years of experience working as nurse aides. They already had three years of experience working as caregivers. The semi-structured interview guide was used to conduct focus group interviews. Interviewing was carried out using audio visual recording. The content obtained was transcribed verbatim for later analysis. The results of the research were that, during the process of working in Taiwan at long-term care facility, foreign nurse aides face 'challenges of language', do not understand, do not speak Chinese, long working hours, manpower shortages and limited leave 'burden of the job', and 'shock of finding out what the job actually entails' in the care setting; as well as the pressure they feel due to 'inability to meet demands' made upon them. Meanwhile, significant aggravating factors were 'low pay' and 'management models' characterized by verbal scolding and intimidating on the part of institute managers. On the other hand, factors such as 'developing higher language standards', 'developing care skills through a practice-makes-perfect approach', 'positive feedback from facility residents' and 'good treatment of nursing staff' can incentivize foreign nurse aides, generating positivity and enabling emotional adaptation to the work. This study may provide reference materials for understanding the difficulties faced by foreign nurse aides in providing services in an alien environment, and as well as for training and management of long-term care personnel.
起訖頁 41-58
關鍵詞 長期照顧機構外籍看護工適應歷程焦點團體訪談long-term care facilityforeign nurse aidesprocess of adaptationfocus group interview
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201505 (19:1期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 日間照顧中心的口腔保健照顧——以健順體系為例
該期刊-下一篇 降低長期臥床病人失禁性皮膚炎發生率




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