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The Elementary School Teachers' Successful Guidance Strategies for Intervening Children's Bullying Behaviors
作者 杜淑芬
本研究運用多個案研究法探究國小導師處理涉入欺凌行為兒童的輔導策略。依立意取樣原則,透過學校輔導室的推介,選取具有輔導這類兒童的11位中高年級國小導師參與研究。參與導師的平均年齡為40.14 歲(SD=7.60),平均教學年資為15.45(SD=6.80)。資料來源有兩個管道,一是來自輔導室的推薦觀察資料,最主要是運用直接的訪談並依據半結構式訪談大綱引導訪談的進行。訪談資料係以類別分析方式分析跨個案的相似性。研究結果發現,國小導師成功處理兒童欺凌行為的輔導策略是由內而外、由個別到系統的三層面輔導策略:個別輔導、班級經營與系統合作。個別輔導層面的策略包括:導師能夠深入瞭解問題行為成因;處理兒童侵犯他人界線的行為;能支持兒童的正向行為與優勢能力;冷靜面對兒童挑釁與測試,以及運用顧及兒童需求的雙贏管教策略。班級層面的策略則包括:建立班級運作規則並一致地執行;重視正向利他的人際行為、善用激勵系統促進班級正向利他文化;而在系統合作層面則主要為與兒童家長合作及與校內系統合作。本文針對導師輔導欺凌兒童的模式與策略進行討論,並從華人文化討論教師的班級經營特性,最後針對導師提升初級輔導能力以及未來研究提供建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the guidance strategies adopted by elementary homeroom teachers for their interventions on children's bullying behaviors. Adopted a multiple case study approach, 11 homeroom teachers participated voluntarily through school counselors' recommendation where semi-structured interviews were conducted. Their average age was 40.14 years old (SD=7.60) and they averaged 15.45 years (SD=6.80) of teaching experience. All participants had previous experience in successfully helping children who had bullying behaviors toward classmates. The results indicated three categories of successful guidance strategies: individual guidance, class management, and systems' collaboration. Regarding individual guidance, the teachers were able (1) to understand in depth about the factors involved in bullying; (2) to set clear interpersonal boundaries with the bullies; (3) to recognize and reinforce the children's personal strengths; (4) to face the children's provoking behaviors with calm manners; (5) to adopt win-win strategies in disciplining. Regarding class management, the teachers were able (1) to set clear safety rules and execute them consistently, (2) to encourage altruistic and empathetic behaviors and to facilitate positive behaviors in class. Regarding the systems' collaboration, the teachers cooperated mainly with the parents and resources at schools. Teachers' guidance strategies and models in helping bullies, as well as the impacts of Chinese culture on the teachers' guidance strategies are discussed.
起訖頁 99-130
關鍵詞 初級輔導班級經營國小導師欺凌行為霸凌防治anti-bullyingbullying behaviorclass managementelementary school teachersguidance strategies
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201506 (28:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 原住民幼教師身分認同之探尋
該期刊-下一篇 以異業合作的行動研究發展校長專業增能課程




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