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Two Paths to Self-Realization: Übermensch and Zhenren
作者 James D. Sellmann (James D. Sellmann)
本文闡釋「超人」與「真人」作為通向自我實現的不同範式,並且論證:尼采(1844-1900)和莊子(369?-286 BCE)不是在表達關於人類之可完美性的理想,而是在描述、在試圖喚起一種肯定生命的態度,這對他們有關自我實現的理念至關重要。在簡論「自我實現」的意義之後,本文接著解釋尼采和莊子對社會與自然的理解,以顯示「超人」與「真人」間的區別。藉著剖析二者共用的四種意象──即山樹、狂風、流浪者及盜賊──尼采和莊子之間的差異更得以凸顯。尼采的觀點包含了權力意志之發揮以及些許焦慮。莊子之道則是悠然自得,無憂無慮。兩者提供的不同路徑,可作為我們各人追求自我實現的參照。
This paper explicates the terms Übermensch and zhenren as different models for achieving self-realization, arguing that Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) and Zhuangzi 莊子 (369?-286 BCE) are not presenting a human ideal of perfectibility. They are describing, and attempting to evoke, a life-affirmative attitude crucial to their understandings of self-realization. After a brief discussion of the meaning of 'self-realization,' Nietzsche's and Zhuangzi's respective understandings of society and nature are explicated to show how the Übermensch and zhenren differ. Their differences in tone are discussed by examining four shared motifs, namely the mountain tree, the roaring wind, the wanderer, and the thief. Nietzsche's approach entails the exercise of the will to power and some anxiety. Zhuangzi's path is carefree and easy going with a lack of anxiety. They offer two different approaches that can inform our own projects.
起訖頁 165-198
關鍵詞 「真人」「超人」自我實現自我實踐自我超越自我轉化ZhenrenÜbermenschself-realizationself-actualizationself-overcomingself-transformation
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201406 (11:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 十二至十三世紀東亞禪宗與儒教:試論道元關於三教一致說批判的對象及其背景
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣的色彩大師




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