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Remodeling Confucian Wedding Rituals to Address China's Youth Culture Today: A Case of Using the Classics to Respond to Recalcitrant Problems
作者 田浩田梅
In response to social and cultural problems in the wake of corrosive influences arising from the Cultural Revolution and Western individualism, two intellectuals in China have offered different versions of wedding rituals based upon the Confucian Classics in order to restore ritual as a powerful tool for individual, family, social and national renewal. Zhu Jieren 朱杰人, former director and current CEO of East China Normal University Press, planned a 'modern version' of the wedding ceremony from Zhu Xi's Family Rituals (朱子 家禮) for his son's ceremony in Shanghai on December 5, 2009. Zhang Xianglong 張祥龍, a philosophy professor at Peking University in Beijing, orchestrated a more antique Confucian wedding for his son in Beijing on June 20, 2010. Both made some accommodations to modern realities and used the same core quotations from the ancient ritual classics; moreover, both public intellectuals are pursuing reform from the grassroots of society and thus differ significantly from the state's approaches to reviving tradition and strengthening the Chinese family. In addition to explaining why each intellectual undertook his Confucian wedding project, we will explore why conservative proponents of 'restoring antiquity' have criticized the Zhu wedding and lauded the Zhang wedding. Our interviews with participants reveal how profoundly moved the young couples were by the traditional ceremonies; thus, both Zhu and Zhang succeeded in giving new life to classical rites and leading participants to reconnect to traditional aesthetics and values.
起訖頁 221-245
關鍵詞 朱熹儒學復興經典結婚儀式性別角色Zhu XiritualConfucian revivalClassicsweddingsgender roles
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201312 (10:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 從「聲訓」到「字義」:東亞儒學發展中的「仁說」典範
該期刊-下一篇 「兒童讀經」能成為二十一世紀可行之道德教育嗎?:一哲學視角之探究




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