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On the Place of the Study on Confucianism in Max Weber's Work
作者 Wolfgang Schluchter (Wolfgang Schluchter)
Max Weber's (1864-1920) study on Confucianism, dealt with in this essay, was first published in a journal in 1915, then, in an extended version, as a chapter in volume 1 of the Collected Essays on the Sociology of Religion in 1920. It is here embedded in the development of Economy and Society and the Collected Essays on the Sociology of Religion as well as in their interrelationship. It is shown that the study on Confucianism serves a double purpose in Weber's overall writings. From a systematic point of view, Confucianism can be regarded as a border case within a sociology and typology of religious rationalism. From a point of view of developmental history, it can be regarded a backdrop, against which the uniqueness of the Western trajectory is depicted. In Weber's view, Confucian scholarship shares some common elements with Greek scholarship. Both lack the ideas of salvation and prophesy. Whereas in the West Greek philosophy merged with Christianity, a salvation religion, in China Confucianism remained untouched by the idea of salvation. Therefore, Confucianism rationalized world affirmation rather than world rejection and did not create the same deep seated conflicts between this world and the world beyond, which caused a peculiar dynamic in the West.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 馬克斯.韋伯比較與發展分析《經濟與社會》《宗教社會學文集》儒學研究之地位古代中國與希臘比較Max Webercomparative and developmental analysisEconomy and SocietyCollected Essays on the Sociology of Religionthe place of the study of Confucianismcomparison between early China and Greece
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201312 (10:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-下一篇 韋伯論傳統中國法律之再探:法律社會學中的多元脈絡性




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