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Tagore and Orientalism: Tagore Studies as a Focus for East-West Debate
作者 李宥霆
This essay adopts a critical approach to the making of Tagore's (1861-1941) public image and the concomitant studies of him. By exploring the ideological premises that have undergirded the historical and interpretive narratives of the Indian poet for a century, this paper demonstrates that many of the regional, temporal, and thematic ramifications of the topic are, on a deeper theoretical level, closely related to the different ways of conceiving and projecting the East, which constitute different types of Orientalism. The introduction discusses and lays the methodological groundwork for this Orientalism. Section 1 critically reviews the process of Tagore's rise to fame in the West, which by way of the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature elevated him to the position of 'Eastern messenger.' Section 2 juxtaposes India's and the West's contrasting attitudes towards Tagore's cultural legacies; while relevant studies develop in different directions in the two parts of the world, the thread of 'East- West civilizations' is common to their problematics. Section 3 depicts Tagore's interaction with Japanese and Chinese intellectuals, and indicates how the conventions of Tagore studies in the two countries have been shaped by their respective identifications with 'Asia.' The conclusion delves into how Orientalism as an ideology permeates the three levels of 'the mythologizing of Tagore,' 'the crystallization of Tagore studies,' and 'the emergence of the East as an issue.'
起訖頁 219-259
關鍵詞 泰戈爾東方主義亞洲東西文明國家主義TagoreOrientalismAsiaEast-West civilizationsnationalism
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201306 (10:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 「報應論」抑或「功利論」?──荀子刑罰觀的哲學根據
該期刊-下一篇 利瑪竇研究的過往及思考:兼論幾本新著及利瑪竇史料




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