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Yangming Learning of Thoughts in Modern China and Japan: A Comparative Perspective
作者 張崑將
The objective of this study is to investigate the development and image of modern Chinese-Japanese Yangming Learning. In terms of its development, Yangming Learning became fashionable with long-standing historical status in Japan because it was one of the essences and motivation of Meiji Restoration and got promoted by Inoue Tetsujiro who advocated the importance of national ethics in 1900s after Meiji Restoration when Reformation School like Liang Chi-chao claimed to conquer Japan, the time when theory of 'Knowing is more difficult than action' was advocated by Revolution School like Sun Yat-sen. Yangming Learning is philosophy thinking based upon principle of 'The unity of knowledge and practice', thus, the revival of modern Chinese Yangming Learning is somewhat relevant to Reformation School's experience of studying in Japan or Revolution School's experience of fleeing in Japan. In the features of its development, three phenomena for Japanese Yangming Learning after Meiji Restoration are as follows: (1) 'As a Yangming Learning that is anti-Western atmosphere and anti-Western learning; (2) As a Yangming Learning that promotes national ethics by 'nationalism' and 'pacifist'; (3) As a Yangming Learning for advocates of civil rights and religion. To sum up, the development of modern Japanese Yangming Learning demonstrates its diverse and confrontational characteristics. Yet, the observation of Chinese Yangming Learning development during the era of late Qin and early Republic indicates elites of Yangming Learning at the time still dealt with the challenges and response to Western scientific and democratic viewpoints classified by the author as follows: (1) As a Yangming Learning with Reformational and revolutionary image; (2) As a Yangming Learning to preserve essence of Chinese culture; (3) As a Yangming Learning to study into philosophy.
起訖頁 35-85
關鍵詞 陽明學井上哲次郎梁啟超維新Yangming LearningInoue TetsujiroLiang Chi-chaoMeiji Restoration
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 200812 (5:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 「誠」在日本的變貌──由朱子之「誠」與山鹿素行之「誠」談起
該期刊-下一篇 伊藤仁齋與理學的跨文化發展──復古主義與日本的古義學派




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