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Further Reflections on the Key Position Chu His Occupied in Sung-Ming Neo-Confucianism
作者 劉述先
Chu Hsi's key position in Sung-Ming Neo-Confucianism is related to his effort to establish the orthodox line of transmission of the Way (Tao-t'ung). In the famous Preface to his Commentary on the Doctrine of the Mean, he traced the line back to ancient sage-emperors, Confucius and Mencius, then to Sung Neo- Confucians. He and his friend Lü Tsu-ch'ien compiled the Neo-Confucian Anthology: Reflections on Things at Hand in which he established the lineage of Lien (Chou Lien-hsi), Lo (Ch'eng Ming-tao and Ch'eng I-chuan), Kuan (Chang Heng-chü), and Min (himself). The posterity accepted this lineage but gave different interpretations. In the Ming dynasty, Wang Yang-ming promoted his teachings of extending innate knowledge of the good (liang-chih), and Liu Chishan his teachings of sincerity of the will and keeping vigilance in solitude. The contemporary Neo-Confucianism continued this line, gave Chu Hsi's 'li-i-fenshu' (one principle, many manifestations) totally new interpretations to face the challenge of developing a global ethic in the 21st century and the new millennium.
起訖頁 1-11
關鍵詞 濂、洛、關、閩道統陽明致良知教蕺山誠意慎獨教現代新儒學理一分殊LienLoKuanMinTao-t'ungYang-Ming's teachings of extending innate knowledge of the goodChi-shan's teachings of sincerity of the will and keeping vigilance in solitudecontemporary Neo- Confucianismli-i-fen-shu
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 200812 (5:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-下一篇 「誠」在日本的變貌──由朱子之「誠」與山鹿素行之「誠」談起




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