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The Evolution of Confucius Ceremony after the Temple-School System broke down in Taiwan
作者 杜美芬
The Confucius Ceremony in Taiwan dates back to the Ching Dynasty, 17th century. After the Temple-School System broke down in 1895, the Position of Burying and Incineration usher in and escort out the Spirit in Confucius Ceremony was relocated to the south of the temple from the northwest due to the folk religion’s apotheosizing of the spatial configuration, and, therefore, became the special phenomenon of Confucius Ceremony in this island. With the tide of Chinese Culture Renaissance in 1968, Taipei Confucius Temple initiates the amended Ming Confucius Ceremony and adds the line to face the people of attending the ceremony when the Presenters took their designated positions that differs from the Ching Confucius Ceremony in Tainan and consequently leads to south Ching and north Ming Confucius Ceremony phenomenon in Taiwan. When it comes to the application of Ritual Characters and Spatial Configuration, there are mainly the Tang-Sung and the Ming-Ching two types. The Ritual Spatial Configuration of Sung Kyun Kwan (成均館) in Korea, with three Presenters performing respectively three Presentations, is the Tang-Sung type. While the Ritual Spatial Configuration in Taiwan, with one Principal Presenter and four to eight Collateral Presenters performing three Presentations together, is the Ming-Ching type. The dissimilarity between Korea and Taiwan witnesses the historical thread of Confucius Ceremony as the Intangible Cultural Heritage through all ages.
起訖頁 135-161
關鍵詞 祭孔廟學祭祀空間禮儀空間Confucius CeremonyTemple-School Systemritual spacespatial configuration
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 200606 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 從儒家的雙元對峙性論清代臺灣儒家的性質
該期刊-下一篇 論一貫道《學庸淺言新註》的注疏意義




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