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Transnational Sinophone Articulation: Taiwan- Sinophone Malaysian Literature
作者 詹閔旭
Current Chinese studies tend to conceptualize the idea of global Chinese imagination in terms of cultural nostalgia and the responsibility to inherent the Chinese culture. However, with the rise of local consciousness in the Sinophone world, we are increasingly called upon to pay attention to a new type of transnational connection, namely, the transnational Sinophone articulation. This new type of minor transnationalism concerns how the Sinophone world is articulated by the shared structures of the feeling of being ashamed of one's Chinese heritages and identity. This paper argues, via the case study of Ng Kim Chew's novel, how this new type of transnational connection enhances our understanding of the notion of ”Sinophone.” Ng Kim Chew's works were first published in Taiwan and have been entangled with the development of the nativist movement in Taiwan since the 1980s. His transnational literary production helps shed light on the intriguing connection, interplay, and intersection between the localization of the Taiwanese identity and the Sinophone Malaysian identity. Insofar as heterogeneity is celebrated in Sinophone studies, this paper also seeks to critically examine the dark side of such a heterogeneous Sinophone imagination.
起訖頁 45-74
關鍵詞 華語語系文學在臺馬華文學黃錦樹情感恥辱Sinophone literatureTaiwan-based Sinophone Malaysian literatureNg Kim Chewaffectshame
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 201305 (78期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 《紅樓夢》中的情∕欲論述――以「才子佳人模式」之反思為中心
該期刊-下一篇 朝向「後人類詩」――陳克華詩的科幻視域




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