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A New Investigation of “Si/Si” and “Shi” in the Chu Bamboo Slips and Silk Manuscripts
作者 巫雪如
本文考察出土楚國簡帛中所見「(囟)/ (思)」、「 ()」三個字形在各類簡帛文本中的分布情形,並分析它們在簡文中的語義及語法表現,以釐清「囟/思」的用法以及與「」之間的關係。本文的結論是,楚簡中許多寫作「囟/思」之字應讀為使令動詞「使」而不能讀為「思」,用「囟/思」來記錄使令動詞「使」是戰國中晚期楚人的特殊用字習慣。從目前所見的傳世文獻來看,這類習慣可能只在當時的楚地使用,在後來的傳世文獻中並未保留下來。出土楚簡之所以會出現同時以「囟/思」、「」這兩組字形來記錄使令動詞「使」的情況,應是外來文本傳入楚國後楚人傳抄改寫的結果。最後,本文分析了楚國卜筮祭禱簡中「囟/思」的用法,並根據分析結論釋讀相關簡文之文意。
This article investigates the distribution of three characters The particular notation is abbreviated (si), The particular notation is abbreviated (si) and The particular notation is abbreviated (shi) in the Chu slips and silk manuscripts, and analyzes their meanings and grammatical function in the texts to make clear the usage of ”si/si” and its relationship with ”shi.” The conclusion is that some ”si/si” in the Chu slips and silk manuscripts should be interpreted as the causative verb ”shi” instead of ”si,” which means ”to think.” Writing the causative verb ”shi” with the formation of ”si/si” was a distinctive tradition of Chu people in the middle to later period of Warring States. According to documents handed down for generations, this tradition was confined to the state of Chu in the middle to later period of Warring State and not found in documents from a later period or other region. The confusion between the usages of ”si” and ”shi” in the Chu slips and silk manuscripts is due to transcriptions of the Chu copyists. Finally, this article analyzes the meaning and usage of ”si/si” in the Chu divination texts and gives explanation to the related paragraphs.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 楚簡使令動詞囟/思Chu slipscausative verbsishi
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 201111 (75期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 宋代的時文刊本與考試文化




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