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A Shaping of the Intellect : McDowell’s Self in Mind and World
作者 林從一
This paper ventures to propose a McDowellian account of self by articulating a rationale underpinning McDowell's conception of self. The rationale identified and explored is also the one McDowell offers for the objectivity and intentionality of experience, which is the coordinating theme that McDowell explores in ”Mind and World”. More specifically, I advocate two theses: (1) McDowell's assurance on the objectivity of experience can be extended to the objectivity of our ”intellectual life” and the norms governing our ways of thinking and doing. (2) McDowell's assurance would endorse or, at least strongly suggest, a conception of self in which a self has to be conceived not only as an embodied self in the empirical world, but also as a self with intellectual life in the realm of reasons. This is a kind of hybrid view on self, but the hybrid account McDowell would endorse is much richer than a mere inseparability of one's consciousness and one's body. It is in fact saying that it is impossible to isolate oneself from one's body (hence the empirical world in which it resides), one's personal intellectual life (created by self-decisions in responding to the demands issued by the space of reason and those imposed by the empirical world) and the space of reason created socially and cumulated historically.
起訖頁 269-289
關鍵詞 麥道爾客觀性自我McDowellobjectivityself
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200905 (70期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 理查.華格納的《精靈》探討




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