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Predicament and Escape: On the Images of Spring in Du Fu's Poems 'Tonggu Qige' and 'Qiuxing Bashou'
作者 方瑜
”Tonggu qige” and ”Qiuxing bashou” are famous poems by Du Fu. Written seven years apart, both were completed in the autumn or winter, and mention spring in the final stanza. At that time, Du Fu was advancing in years, and he was exhausted and in hard times. Where did these thoughts of transcending reality come from? This article will discuss this issue by using the text of the poems and the imagery contained therein. The focus of discussion will be on the contrast between natural scenery and art. Particular attention will be given to the structure, management, and timeline of these qilü poem series. It will be shown how Du Fu summoned spring through his structuring of the poems, resulting in an ability to break out of life's predicaments.
起訖頁 127-147
關鍵詞 杜甫同谷歌秋興春意象Du FuTonggu qigeQiuxing bashouimages of spring
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200811 (69期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 荀子的政治化和倫理化的語言哲學――一個系統性的詮釋、建構、比較與評論
該期刊-下一篇 違犯.錯置.污染――臺灣當代詩的屎尿書寫




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