英文摘要 |
This article focuses on the protagonist Peter Kien in Elias Canetti’s novel Die Blendung (Auto da fé) and aims at analyzing his title “the First Sinologist.” Through a detailed examination of his so-called “academic accomplishments,” this article proves that his “academic status” established in the novel is not objective information from the narrator about the fictional world, but megalomania (Größenwahn) of Peter Kien self. By explaining the historical background and psychological factors behind this figure’s becoming a sinologist, this article hereby indicates that the traditional interpretation of the history of ideas (Geistesgeschichte), which sees Peter Kien as an archetype of the intellectual, has a blind spot.
在近數十年來的美國社會,「語言多樣性」一直是個充滿爭議性的話題。自一九八○年代「唯用英語」運動興起以來,即在各州積極推動將「英語為官方語言」明訂為州法,與聯邦政府的雙語教育政策形成對立衝突。本文採用語言政策和規劃的理論觀點,從美國語言政策之歷史演進切入,深入探討此一語言政策衝突,並進一步分析導致該衝突形成之主要意識形態。結果顯示,造成衝突的癥結並非是語言多樣性本身,而是肇因於大量移民湧入後,對原有的社會政治及權力結構所可能引發之衝擊和改變而產生的效應。文末並對未來美國語言政策之規劃方向提出建言。 |