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Homosexuality and the Nation: Theorizing the Op-Positionality
作者 朱偉誠
這篇論文一開始先提出冷戰時期美國政界視同性戀者為共產黨的現象,隨即指出類似的指控其實也發生在一九三○年代歐洲共產主義 / 社會主義與納粹法西斯的鬥爭之中(前者當時亦攻擊後者為同性戀),因此在同性戀與這兩種意識形態之間應該並不存在任何本質上的關聯,而毋寧是同一個「將敵人視為性相它者」的政略運用。本文試圖解釋這種政略運用,以理論化同志與國家之間的對立性。然而,兩者的關係最近又似乎有一些正面的例子(譬如魁北克與加拿大),因此本文也加以分析,以解決與上述說法的衝突。同時在整個論述過程中,均穿插虛構文本,以為理論分析之印證說明,這些文本包括:《蜘蛛女之吻》、《草莓與巧克力》、《和散拿》、《摩爾的最後嘆息》,以及《咬狗族》。
This essay starts with the Cold War figuration of homosexuals as Communists, and parallels it with the 1930s Communist/socialist accusation of the Nazis/fascists as being homosexual, in order to refute any essentialist connections between homosexuality and either political stance. Instead, an overarching explanation is put forth to encompass both and view them as in effect consisting in the same politics of Othering the enemy in terms of sexuality, which only gets exasperated with the coming of the modern nation. This leads to a theorization of the overdetermined op-positionality between the nation and homosexuality, which is believed to be the real key issue here. However, there are cases (such as Quebec and Canada) in which the relation between the two seems to be not only less tense but rather affirmative-so they are also examined to decide whether they pose a contradiction to the above thesis. Throughout the whole essay, a series of fictional texts are also discussed for illustrations, including Kiss of the Spider Woman, Strawberry and Chocolate, Hosanna, The Moor's Last Sigh, and Dogeaters. 這篇論文一開始先提出冷戰時期美國政界視同性戀者為共產黨的現象,隨即指出類似的指控其實也發生在一九三○年代歐洲共產主義 / 社會主義與納粹法西斯的鬥爭之中(前者當時亦攻擊後者為同性戀),因此在同性戀與這兩種意識形態之間應該並不存在任何本質上的關聯,而毋寧是同一個「將敵人視為性相它者」的政略運用。本文試圖解釋這種政略運用,以理論化同志與國家之間的對立性。然而,兩者的關係最近又似乎有一些正面的例子(譬如魁北克與加拿大),因此本文也加以分析,以解決與上述說法的衝突。同時在整個論述過程中,均穿插虛構文本,以為理論分析之印證說明,這些文本包括:《蜘蛛女之吻》、《草莓與巧克力》、《和散拿》、《摩爾的最後嘆息》,以及《咬狗族》。
起訖頁 191-223
關鍵詞 共產主義/社會主義納粹/法西斯敵人拉丁美洲魁北克/加拿大Communism/socialismNazism/fascismenemyLatin AmericaQuebec/Canada
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200605 (64期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 二(特異)點與一(抽象)線──德勒茲思想的一般拓樸學
該期刊-下一篇 Stalking the East End: Iain Sinclair’s White Chappell, Scarlet Tracings and Lights Out for the Territory




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