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An Analysis on Theses and Dissertations of Taiwanese Digital Archive from Departments of Culture and Creativity
作者 馬睿平林榮泰
我國數位典藏計畫始自1998 年執行,國內研究所也陸續出現以數位典藏為主題的學位論文,學位論文往往是研究生追隨指導老師的研究領域或執行計畫而寫就的。因此,藉由對此類論文的內容分析,將能掌握並了解數位典藏計畫在學界發展的梗概。本研究運用「內容分析」與「書目計量學」方法,分析台灣文化創意產業相關系所撰寫的數位典藏類博、碩士論文,藉其研究主題、方法、屬性與引用文獻等相關變化,藉以探討文化創意產業學界在數位典藏研究的成果與趨勢。研究結果發現:(1)現階段論文研究偏向技術類應用,研究重心聚焦在運用網站與資料庫技術於典藏系統建置工作上;(2)論文作者偏好採用多樣質性的研究方法,且多以網路作為主要研究工具及參考資料來源;(3)在102 篇論文中共引用7285 筆文獻,引用文獻多屬出版年限在6-10 年區間內的相關文獻。經由歸納與演繹,本研究最後呈現數位典藏研究發展框架,以供後續研究參考。
Since 1998, Taiwan has launched the digital archives program, and consequently there came some graduate theses that focus on this topic. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to analyze those research topics on digital archives subject matter, their methodology, attributes and citation in order to understand how graduate school researchers use data of digital archives program and quote literature in their thesis writing process. The theses are scrutinized with content analysis and citation analysis methods. The findings are as followed: (1) the thesis researchers are inclined to utilize technological applications, focusing their attention on websites and data base related to the digital archives; (2) the thesis researchers prefer adopting multiple qualitative methods;the internet is the main tool and data source; (3) there are 7285 citations in 102 theses, most of which were published within 6-10 years prior to the thesis composition. Finally this study presents a framework of digital archives development and points to some possibilities for further research.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 數位典藏學位論文內容分析書目計量Digital archivesThesis and dissertationContent analysisBibliometrics
刊名 設計學報  
期數 201306 (18:2期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-下一篇 電視廣告音樂之型態在不同廣告涉入度下對廣告效果的影響




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