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A Study on the Urban Location and the Site Planning of Songshan Tobacco Factory in Taiwan: from the Viewpoint of Colonial Modernization
作者 張志源 (C. Y. Chang)米復國
本研究以殖民現代性的觀點,分析松山煙草工場的專賣制度、設備現代化、軍需工業、都市工業區位選擇及空間配置的關係。研究結論發現:1. 松山煙草工場之空間組織來自日本人經西化學習到工業村的概念,以專賣制度進行空間規劃。2.松山煙草工場興建於昭和12年(1937),利用當時最新的道路及鐵路系統,形成煙品島內及外銷的運輸網,並運用塯公圳支流,作為工場蓄水、用水、消防、飲用的功能。3. 松山煙草工場作為日常消費品及戰爭軍需品的生產工場,在國家專賣制度扶持下,成為全東南亞最大的煙草工場,亦成為臺灣第一座現代化專業捲菸場及模範工場,從殖民現代性的角度觀之,包括:設備現代化,勞工與管理階層於工作、生活、休閒、教化方面的統整性,達成現代工場追求生產極大化的目的。但在殖民的意識形態下,隱藏著統治合理化、軍事戰爭及財政壟斷的目的。4.松山煙草工場其建築配置的空間秩序、製菸流程及工場管理,均可見日本人將西方生產之現代化意識與建築計畫的巧妙結合。
This study analyzes the monopoly system, equipment modernization, military industry chain, urban industrial location and site planning of Songshan Tobacco Factory from the viewpoint of colonial modernization. The results of this study are: First, the spatial organization of Songshan Tobacco Factory originated from the concept of industrial village, by the westernized Japanese in the nineteenth century. Second, the Songshan Tobacco Factory was built in 1937 and was an important case of the monopoly system in Taiwan. Third, the Songshan Tobacco Factory was the first modern professional tobacco factory, a key in the military industry chain, implying the ideology of the colonial domination in the Japanese period. Finally, from the functions of Songshan Tobacco Factory in its site planning and management, we can observe the combination of conscious modernization -- in productivity and the architectural programming.
起訖頁 71-91
關鍵詞 松山煙草工場軍需工業專賣事業空間配置殖民現代性Songshan tobacco fctoryMilitary industry chainMonopoly systemSite planningColonial modernization
刊名 設計學報  
期數 200706 (12:2期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
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